As another month comes to a close, I've had a chance to look back at my recent training to see what I've accomplished this month.
As I mentioned previously, my training works in an A/B rotation. Meaning week 1 is training week A, week 2 is B, week 3 is A, week 4 is B. So my main movements alternate.
My deadlift day week A is sumo deadlift singles using 60-70-%, kinda like speed work, followed with some deficit work. Deadlift day week B is my heavy work, doing heavy conventional deads with some sumo technique work next. My squat days alternate between SSB volume work and high bar tempo work. I've kept the load the same on SSB squats, but increase reps week by week.
Upper body work has been consistent with incline bench on one week, going from 135x6 months ago, to now repping 135 for sets of 10. The other upper body day alternates between pause bench and floor press. The mix definitely seems to be good for my aging body. 🙂
Accessory work has allowed me to continue to increase week to week. The simplicity of it has been really good in seeing major progress.