I have not updated my Coaching Log in a while, for several reasons.
1) I do get really frustrated wondering if anyone actually reads my Coaching Log. I have no way to get any kind of feedback about what anyone wants to read about, which pieces they enjoy the most, if they like my Training Posts or my Coaching Posts. In November I posted my Log Entries than any other Coach (possibly more than anyone else on Team EliteFTS) and I have no idea if that was a good thing or a bad thing. In December I set out to post less, MUCH LESS, in the way of Training and more about what actually happens to me in LIFE!
2) Life isn't always FUN! If you are anything like me, TRAINING is fun. Life is just what gets me from one training session to the next. Over the last several months I have been very successful as a Father, as a Husband, as a business(es) owner, and as a Trophy Husband House Wife...BUT Training has not gone well no matter how much I've put into it. I have:
- Eaten Well
- Slept Well (even if I didn't want to)
- Trained Hard
- Trained Properly
I have also:
- Continued To Lose Weight
- Continued To Lose More Weight
People keep asking me "have you lost MORE weight"? I guess that they don't know how much I hate hearing that question and what it does to me inside. I hated people asking me that when I was 297 lbs and I REALLY hate it when I'm struggling to weigh whatever the heck that I weigh. The other night I had had a solid 10 days of force feeding and I got on the scale and I'd lost 23 more pounds. I went straight to the store (2 Liter of Coke in hand) and bought a new battery for our scale and went back home and checked again. And again.
3) The Holidays are stressful for me. Every holiday season I miss The USA because, to me, Christmas just isn't Christmas in Cyprus. Today it was well over 90 F in the sun late in the afternoon (and I was freezing cold). There are very few Christmas lights anywhere and presents aren't exchanged till New Years Day. Maybe I miss the anticipation of Christmas (my son doesn't get nearly as excited as I'd like him to). Maybe I miss my family and friends more this time of year. I really don't know. Add in the stress of a Cypriot environment (normally too many people in too small of a room talking very loudly non-stop) and my stress levels are way over the edge.
Then you combine ALL of this and I'm at a place where I'm looking at my cards and I'm pissed off about the hand that I've been dealt.
So this is the point where I decide: Will I fold or will I simply re-shuffle the cards in my hand, put on my best Poker Face, and throw down another chip.
Let us see where I'm at tomorrow.
Please keep up with the postings on your coaching log. Your story inspires me to train as hard as I possibly can every single day and I really appreciate all that you bring to the elitefts website. I'm also sure that I am not the only one who thinks this. From what I have seen through your postings, you are not only an amazing athlete but an amazing person as well. Keep up the hard work and keep moving forward. The cards in your hand can always be reshuffled.
Take Care,
Tyler F.
Thanks for all you do, looking forward to more great stuff from you in 2016. Happy New Year!
In 12 years I've had one Christmas in The USA and it was amazing. Freezing cold but amazing. The Christmas Spirit is something that I didn't realize even existed till I left The USA for a while. The smiles, the lights, the bells.
Thank you so much for the message.
It means a lot to see that there are others in tough situations that keep moving forward. Others that realize that even though they want to sit for a while, The World keeps turning. It sounds like you are truly doing your best and I can promise you that I am doing mine to keep as positive as possible. Saying I'm not happy with my circumstance is an understatement but quitting isn't even an option.
Thank you again and please keep in touch.
I hope you keep them going they are great , I see you as a very valuable member of EFS.
I struggle with weight on the other side. At 56 it's way to easy to look fat. I train 6-7 days a week, and hear people say " why don't you try some exercise ". I could press their weight overhead( well maybe not the big ladies) but certainly the jogging crowd. We all have our challenges and gifts.
If you are still reading you have been an inspiration to me. My adult son suffers with UC and weighs under 150 at 6'2". He was an all state HS baseball player and 5 years ago had college coaches calling the house. Now I worry he will get beat up at night if he goes to a bar. I read what you do and watch your videos and think one day he will be strong again.
Probably doesn't make much sense , but to me you still seem pretty strong and motivated. I hope one day he will be able to squat more than 135 again or bench more than 95.
I hope you keep going , you mean a lo to many who have never met you. Like me.
So keep going. Small town USA doesn't quit, don't you.
If there is any way that I can help you or your son, just say the word. I'm only a phone call away.
The feelings that you and your son have are tough. What might have been if? Where as I'm filled with the questions of "What if it hadn't all been taken from me?"
People keep telling me that as one door closes another door opens BUT I am still shoving my finger tips in that tiny crack I can see in the closed door. I refuse to believe that it is shut.
I do my best to keep one side of me facing the camera but I feel a rant of range coming on. Give me a few days to find my voice and I'll get something special in the works.
I can't say that I know the struggles that you go through everyday but I can tell you this is the second year in the last three that I have spent Christmas overseas. You know that I enjoy reading your post on here, facebook, and instagram. If half of us were as resilient as you are then the strength sports game would be on a whole other level. Kaitlin and myself love to see how you are doing, keep posting and keeping us informed. We care about how you are recovering. Stay strong Clint.
"The next door to open" will find you. When YOU are ready. It will happen.
Thank you. May god bless you and your family .
Good luck man.
... PS I don't believe Jim Wendler is real either...
I have IBS and possibly moving (ha) towards an IBD-type disease state. I've dropped almost 30 pounds in the last 5 months and over 300 lbs on my squat, 150 on my bench and around 200 on my DL so I understand the frustration that comes along with the dry joints, the irritability, the sleeplessness, the hunger, the fear of eating, the rejoicing when you can actually keep it in...and also the lack of understanding for the rest of the world who simply thinks that you need to maybe just alter your diet a bit.
I love reading your words and seeing your videos and watching you not being beaten by this disease and what comes with it. I just like the little dumb blurbs that have nothing to do with anything. The pics of family, of feet on a chaise on the beach--knowing that there's more to you than just a couple of things. The content is always a good reminder, and I usually acquire some interesting training nugget from your posts.
Please keep the content coming!!! Even if we don't respond to each one or that it hasn't been shared 500 times, know that it's been watched or read many times over and greatly appreciated.
I understand how you must feel. But I have to share something with you.
I saw that great lecture you gave about pursuing a dream in powerlifting and the analogy you drove about driving around Cyprus to find you etc. I was very impressed but there's more.
I went through a divorce this year. Had to move a good distance from my son, change gyms, change job sites and pretty much change most of the aspects of my life. I even lost my home gym equipment that I used my deployment money to buy. I just want to say that I relied heavily on many of the things you said and have said in your log to give me a reason to pain through. I will be competing at my strongest, leanest and lightest ever. I just want you to know that people do read your log and you are an inspiration to many.
I basically had the worst year of my life and came out on top because of stuff you said and because of powerlifting.
I wish you the best and thank you.