I'm quite a bit behind on things right now. I was in Colorado for a long weekend (out there for a wedding) and I'm not dealing with the ramifications of missing work and 4 days of emails from clients.
I had a nice (severely hungover) back workout with powerlifter Alex Judson while I was out there and I'll get a recap of that workout (and the night before) up sometime this week.
For now, I'll just cover my first jet-lagged workout back.
I trained chest with Randy Howard at Strength beyond in kalamazoo.
Incline hammer:
Flat hammer (holding the vertical square metal attachments):
Incline Smith Machine:
Pec Deck:
Wasn't the best of workouts...I was down 10lbs from having to eat like a normal human for 4 days out in Colorado, so I was pretty depleted.
It usually takes me a good week of re-feeding to get my glycogen stores back up to snuff after a long weekend of eating 2-3x a day like I did out there.