I had someone reach out to me asking for advice for his first meet. I have given this out a few times with good responses. Why I haven't put it up in my blog here on Elitefts is beyond me.
For food, pack a lot. Some meets can take a long time. I found there are no magic foods when competing. Just make sure to not eat anything that makes you too full or can possibly upset your stomach. Sounds like common sense, but people read all kinds of crazy sh!t that cause them to make dumb choices. Some people love gummy bears for energy if you do that with training, great. Trying that on a meet day is stupid.
I usually bring a bunch of bagels, some pasta, and pbj sandwiches. I don't drink my calories so I stay away from gatorade and the like. But if you are a gatorade or soda drinker by all means have at it. Just make sure you are appropriately hydrated with water also.
As far as going out, I hate running out for food. You never know what's around and I don't like leaving the meet site. It would take me out of my game. I'd get anxious like I was missing something.
To warm up, just do whatever you normally do if possible. That's why when I competed I only had a gym warmup I could recreate at a meet. I would foam roll, do some pushups, band face pulls, band good mornings, some rear elevated split squats or bw squats, and was pretty much ready.
Warming up on the bar can be a shit show. Years ago people knew what they were doing. They knew to take the bar to warm up before someone else put 5 plates on per side. Just pay attention to what's going on around you. Jump in where you can. Don't let anyone intimidate you. If you are not competing geared, there's nothing really to stress about.
Just don't wear yourself out. You just have to feel weights. You are not training. If a weight doesn't feel great for a few reps, don't bang out ten more. Put it down and take that same weight again in a little bit. Me, I'd rather be warmed up too soon and have to take an extra single to stay warm versus waiting too long and having to stress. Stress kills me the day of the meet.
Regardless of the weather, be prepared with clothes for both hot and cold. You never know what the temp inside will be like. I HATED being cold when warming up.
Your opener should be something you could do for a triple even if you had the flu. Keep in mind, that triple might be different for the bench and especially the deadlift. You don't usually max those all on the same day. Plus, it's a long ass day. It's better to open too light than too heavy. Remember, it's not what you open with, it's what you finish with.
I have judged many meets and they are LONG days. Judging blows. I will tell you this, when I see someone smash their opener I am much less likely to be up their ass on their second and third attempts. Where as someone who grinds out their opener, I am going to be watching them like a hawk on lifts two and three.
Stay calm and within yourself. Don't get crazy about music and pre-workout drinks and or supplements. It's ok to get a little pumped, but again, it's a long day. You need to be able to get up for 9 lifts. You don't want to be dragging ass by your third deadlift.
Always keep in mind, you are building a total. It's really cool to go nine for nine. People will say "but you left weight on the platform" that's fine. Nobody really cares about your lifting, except you anyway. If you go eight for eight and miss your last deadlift, you can end up being pissed at yourself even though you hit eight other lifts. Missing happens, but it's even cooler when it doesn't.
In the past, I have always brought my own handler/handlers for meet. I'm a diva. However, at my last meet I decided to go it alone. I figured why burden anyone as I was doing it for fun. And NOBODY wants to be at a meet if they are not lifting. I don't care what they tell you.
If you are there by yourself, look around for people who look like they know what they are doing. Most lifters are happy to help someone who will ask questions and then shuts up and listens. That second part is difficult for most people. However, remember, any lifter who helps, his/her top priority is their own lifting, don't be a burden.
Have fun! I have set world records only to show up at work on Monday feeling like there should be a parade for me. Nobody knew I lifted and if they did they hardly cared. They have their own lives. So don't take it so seriously that you don't enjoy yourself.
The people I have met and the good times I have had are more important than any number I have ever hit.