And all of the sudden it is November 1st. November Freaking First. It seems like yesterday I started popping chemo and watching my muscle and my hair fall on a daily basis. It seems like yesterday it just turned 2015 and we were looking forward to Summer. It seems like yesterday I was in The USA training at EliteFTS. It seems like yesterday when I arrived back in Cyprus and the Doctors told us "It will be a boy".
It always feels like "yesterday".
Total Elite.
So as I sit here on November 1st I have a rage inside. The same rage that we all have but we rarely act on. The kind of rage that keeps me up at night when I lay in bed and attempt to sleep. The feeling of waking up from a dream in a panic and thinking "Did I get white lights?".
I walked my dog tonight while looking down at my phone trying to calculate out what I'd need to Total Elite at 275 (2,000 lb total). There is no reason why I can't. If I can go through everything else, I can make a run at this.
The only judges may be me and my video cameras but I have some numbers in mind. November won't be the month when I achieve but it will be the month I start progressing towards them.
November 1st. Soon it will be "Just Yesterday".