"Talent and good intentions are never enough in this world; you need to be fearless and strategic." - 50 cent.
I have been asked many times over the years what it means when I mark FU in chalk on my sweats before challenge sets or reps.
This is my way of saying "fuck you" to everything in the world except the one task at hand. My reminder to "check out." and go into the darkest place I can go. While in this void state I can't tell you what I did, how many reps or if I even made the set. I don't care about anything and can say with certainty that I wouldn't care if the set killed me (not all of them but I know for a fact that there have been a few).
The point of this is NOT about training. Training like this is awful for recovery, accommodation and pretty much all else. From a pure training standpoint, it's stupid, and I know it. This is why I call it "stupid shit." It could be said this is how I cope with the world, but that's bullshit as well because this isn't dealing but hiding.
Hiding from the World, even for 10-20 seconds is an escape I need in my life.
That is what the FU means.
I feel as humans we all need to learn to deal with adversity. We also need to learn how to fight adversity in fearless and strategic ways. Take bold action, execute, ignore, leave, be decisiveness, pivot, and do whatever it takes.
Go to the edge and see whats there - even if just for 20 seconds.