I'm not sure how long this will last. At least from August 1st to August 19th when school starts. I'm on the field as an extra set of eyes for the O-Line and charting loafs (lack of effort) for the defense during team periods, so I'm on my feet and in the sun much more than usual. I'm not going to bury myself training for the sake of training.
Tuesday Training: Squat
- SSB Box Squat: 245/265/285x5
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- FSL: 5x5@245
- FBB Incline (2): 5x10@95-115
- KB Row: 5x10
Thursday Training: Bench
- FBB: 115/125/135x5
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- BBB: 5x10@115
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- BB Shrugs: 5x10
Saturday Training: Deadlift
- Trap Bar: 230/265x3/300x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- Weighted Vest Circuit
- DB Squat: 5x10
- Push-ups: 5x5
- KB Row: 5x10
I did 30-50 reps of Neck and Curls after each workout.
Saturday's lift looks like what I'll do until school starts. It allows me to still move some weight with my main movement without beating me up with the FSL. It's not heavy, but I'm getting in good work and the conditioning is fantastic.
I'm a huge fan of the circuit stuff I've been doing. I'm actually building muscle. And, because of the pace of the circuits, my conditioning level is very good despite not having push a sled since I was up at Wendler's 3 weeks ago.
I've definitely stumbled upon a few training ideas that I can use depending on what my schedule looks like.
Feeling good on Day 4 of football camp. We'll see how I'm feeling in 15 days.