It's finally finished. I spent quite a bit of time with this program. At the end of the day, it's not incredibly different than it was. So, for those that don't care about the explanation of it and just want to have a free program, here ya go. For those that are interested in understanding my twisted thought process keep reading after the program overview.
- Dynamic Warm-up/Hip Mobility
- Throws
- Speed Work (10, 20, 30 yard sprints)
- Hang Clean: 3x3 (use as an extended warm-up)
- Hurdle-unders
- Trap Bar Deadlift: 4x5 (work sets are 5% jumps)
- Plank
- Trap Bar FSL: 3x10 (1st work set weight)
- Pull-ups: 50/30
- RDL w/shrug: 3x10
- DB Row: 4x10
- Neck: 50
- Sled Push: 6 trips of 40 yards (medium)
- Dynamic Warm-up/Hip Mobility
- Throws
- Agility/Cone Drills
- Push Press: 3x3
- Hurdle-under
- Bench: 4x5 (work sets are 5% jumps)
- Pull-aparts: 50
- Bench FSL: 3x10 (1st work sets weight)
- DB Squat: 50 (Skill: 80lbs, Big SKill: 90lbs, Line: 100lbs)
- RFESS/Lateral Squat/Stability Ball Leg Curl: 2x6/6/10
- Pull-ups: 50/30
- Neck: 50
- Sled Push: 6 trips (light)
- Dynamic Warm-up/Hip Mobility
- Jumps
- Squat: 4x5 (work sets are 5% jumps)
- Plank (with warm-up sets)
- Squat FSL: 3x10 (1st work set weight)
- DB Incline (various presses): 4x10
- RDL w/shrug: 4x10
- DB Row: 4x10
- Push-ups/Dips/Curls: 50/50/50
- Neck: 50
- Sled Push: 6 trips (heavy)
This is very basic. My goal was to take the bar off their backs over the summer. They will take a beating between the weight room and running. I want to ensure they're fresh going into camp.
Main Work Progression
- I give them training maxes (85-90% of actual max)
- 4 Set Progression: set up with 85%, 90%, 95%, 100%.
- I'll give them they're heaviest percentage (top set will be that percentage). If I give them 70% that means their work will look like this: 55%x5, 60%x5, 65%x5, 70%x5
- FSL (First Set Last - a la 5/3/1): they will use their 1st work set weight and do the work. In the case above it would be 55% for 3x10
Rep Max "Testing"
- Weeks 3 and 6 will be RM "testing."
- They will do their normal progression. The only difference is they will take their final work set (80% Week 3 and 85% Week 6) for a Rep Max (not to failure).
- I WILL NOT reset their max numbers regardless of their success.
- This is a way to see their progress to make individual changes, if necessary.
- It's also a way to show them that the work they're doing is helping
- I'm changing my approach to testing. We will RM Test 2 weeks before camp starts (Week 9). Whichever RM test number gives them the best estimated max will be their new max.
This program is fluid. It will absolutely change as we get into things. I set it up this way because we have about 15 guys who will be here in May. We're looking at another 10 or so coming in June. I don't have to think much about the flow because we won't have that many guys. In July we'll get another 15-20 and 30 freshmen. The freshmen will have a separate developmental program and will workout at a different time. But, with 50-60 returning players in the weight room I'll make changes to exercises and order to accommodate the large numbers. At this point I may offer 2 groups for returning players, but it has to fit with the 3 other teams I have at this time of year.
Conditioning (Tuesday and Thursday)
- Weeks 1-6
- Eagle Lake Hill: 10 trips (Tuesdays)
- Ladder Sprints (10, 10's/8, 20's/6, 40's/4, 60's/2, 80's/1, 100) (Thursday)
- Weeks 7-10
- 1/2 Gassers and 1/4 Gassers (10/10) (Tuesday)
- 16, 110's (Conditioning Test): Skill: 16 seconds/Big Skill: 17 seconds/Line: 19 seconds - 1 minute rest between reps
- We will run the conditioning test the Monday after RM Testing week in the weight room.
Depending how guys are holding up, this may change as well. In reality, when I look at this in 2, 4, 6 weeks I may not love what I originally wrote. The beauty of being the boss - I can make changes as I see fit. It's very similar to what I've done in the past with success.
I need a vacation, but I'm looking forward to getting this started on May 22nd.