Well, it has started. Week one is in the books. Nothing to be excited about. The first week is always good. I'll be curious to see how this team responds.
My approach is a little different than it has been. I'm just focusing on the OL/DL guys. We're training together and I'm honestly paying no attention to the Skill/Big Skill guys. My assistant is taking care of them.
I've also been trying to make corrections/criticisms in a more positive manner. It's painful. I believe in focusing on mistakes/what they're not good at. I don't worry about the good, because they're good at it. Correct the mistakes and they improve.
It's a challenge, but I'm hoping it pays off.
We have the rest of this week and next and then we start the next phase of training. We'll start writing it this week. Once I get the basic outline on paper I'll post it so you can take a look. I know I posted the first portion a while ago so I'll repost it with what we actually did (I made some changes) and I'll try to explain some of the in-workout changes I made on the fly.
I'll also post the stuff I'm doing with Baseball and Softball. It'll be good for me to write all this stuff out. I guarantee I'll end up seeing something that needs to be changed as I look at it.