This will be their heaviest week, thus far. They'll use 80% as their top set for Squat, Bench and Trap Bar. They'll take their top set for a Rep Max. Their results will have no effect on their Training Max. I just want to get an idea of where they are and let them have a little fun.
I'll make no changes to their workout. We're just going to keep rolling.
Conditioning-wise we'll continue with Hills on Tuesday. We'll go from 6 to 8 reps. Thursday we'll go from the short ladder (10x10, 8x20, 6x30, 4x40, 2x50 yards) to the long ladder (10x10, 8x20, 6x40, 4x60, 2x80, 10x100 yards).
I'm just letting the program work and getting the guys a good base to work with.