Well, it's over. We put in our 7 weeks and this is Testing Week. I know, based on simple common sense, that everyone got better. After all, they trained for 7 weeks. They didn't get worse. Hopefully, everyone tests well.
This is a weird time because I can look at their bodies, their rep numbers, they're conditioning level and I know everyone worked and improved. My issue with 1RM testing is there's always a chance that someone has a bad day/week of testing and can't demonstrate their strength gains in the weight room. I fight with myself over a 3RM or 5RM test instead. But, I know the guys love the 1RM, so after 7 weeks of telling them exactly what to do all the time I feel they deserve a bone.
As any strength and conditioning coach should know, we don't train weight lifters. We train athletes. It's not about stroking our egos and piling weight on the bar at the risk of injury. It's about the athletes making progress and leaving a little in the tank.
Always a sore spot with them, but when I decide I've seen enough out of someone I shut them down to fight another day. Generally speaking, if they hit their first test number I'm happy. I almost always let them take a 2nd attempt. Unless it's a flawless lift, I usually shut them down at that point. Especially the older kids (juniors and seniors). The younger kids usually make amazing progress at this point of their careers so I let them go a little bit. Again, if the rep is outstanding, they can go up. If not, shut 'em down. Spring Ball is next week. Their performance on the field far outweighs a few extra lbs lifted in the weight room.
I'll be highly caffeinated this afternoon. The first group comes through at 2:30.