We are just adding ONE more set to everything except the OHPs.
Remember your weight v. time under tension or the speed of the motion.
Incline DB Chest Press: Work up or slow the pace of each rep down until 8 reps seems like a monster. Then, either at that weight or that speed...do 4x8
Flat DB Chest Press: Do the same thing! Only this time we are going to do 5 sets of 5 reps. Don't lock the weight out at the top. Only go up 3/4 of the way.
Super Slow Push ups: 5 sets of 1 rep...BUT that one rep takes you 30 seconds to come within ONE inch of the floor and then you ascend to a 30 count before locking out. Take only a ONE motherfucking minute to recover.
Stretcher Push ups: Now we are going to blow blood into the pectorfallisis. (don't look that up...I made it up)
Between two platforms or raised hands...Your chest should sink well below the backline causing a Huuuuge stretch on your pecs and anterior shoulder. You are to go up only 1/3 of the way. Do these THIRTY reps fast. You want to be done with them before you realize you have two more sets to do...4x30
OHP: 3x10
DB Laterals. 4x12
Shrug: ANYTHING that you can hold. 100 reps.