It feels like I haven't published anything substantive in a while. To be completely honest, I'm a bit lost. The holidays can be a rough time for everyone, but I am carrying a little more than usual. So please excuse me while I figure my sh!t out.
This is going to sound like an excuse, but Elitefts has changed its format back and forth on the actual process we use to write our logs. I am older and although not resistant to change, it sometimes takes me a while. This has made posting feel a bit more daunting. However, today I figured out how to post more like the old version I had been using. So there's at least that.
December is for a lack of a better word a f@cked up month for me because I lost my brother in December. It's been 12 years, but that never goes away. I lost my Mom a year and a half ago, so I miss her especially during the holidays. Much like everyone, I have family sh!t to work out so I don't know if I have ever really grieved my Mom's passing. And to top it off, our Rottie Buddha has not been well.

I am so grateful I have Jessica to help me navigate this all. In addition, although I am a bit of a recluse, I do keep a few very close friends I can count on. Some of whom I may only speak to so often and some whom I only correspond electronically. No matter how you communicate, if you have a way to bare your soul to someone, that's damn good medicine.
Work is another story entirely. It's been extraordinarily difficult on many fronts. I come home emotionally drained just about every day. One of the biggest headaches is having to constantly deal with new technology. Hence why I haven't been motivated to sit down and bang away at new log posts with the format change. After spending an entire day on a computer, it's the last thing in the world I want to sit down in front of.
This probably sounds a lot like "Woes Me." Many will think "Wtf is he droning on about?" Others may say "Suck it up!" And I get that. But, there are probably a few out there that are thinking "I get it." If you are one of those people and need help, reach out to someone. If you don't have someone, hell, hit me up here or on Instagram. Nobody should feel alone and helpless.
Regarding training, I am still figuring that all out. It may have been in a past log or just maybe a blurb I put out on Instagram, it's all kind of blending together. When in doubt, train hard. I have always said, training never goes wasted even if it doesn't help you accomplish your immediate goal. You have at least pushed yourself and learned something.
The real purpose of this is probably to give me my own kick in the ass. I have prided myself for years on the time and effort I would put into my logs. It's been lacking and for that I am sorry.
I need to come up with my 2022 goals which of course dictates my training and nutrition. As I plot that course I plan to carefully chronicle it here. Be well and thanks for reading.