I was reading Fred Duncan's article this morning about "In Season" training. Fred hit the nail on the head for many reasons. One reason in particular that I surmise is that Fred OWNS and OPERATES a gym in the Greater Buffalo NY area.
Fred is in the trench working his butt off and training all types of people to either prove or disprove theory.
I applaud that only in a HUGE way.
So many "INTERNET" experts are simply that. They have read an article and paraphrased it or turned some unfound (by them) facts around and post CRAP on the internet to get reactions.
Here's the kicker. They post SHIT to get a reaction because, getting a reaction get's likes or dislikes or better yet, an argument.
Doesn't matter if the facts have been proven by the person writing, what matters is that there is continual stream of absolute nonsense.
How can a person actually TRAIN someone or Coach them, if EVERY post is "liked" or "commented" upon. I am AMAZED by the frequency I see names, POPULAR names all over the Social media.
Then, upon further review, I ask..."Who have they trained?" "What TEAM have they won a Championship with?"
Putting someone one or two times on a platform, or stage doesn't give license to call yourself an expert.
Trial, error, research, error, error, more research, trial, breakthrough. Long and tedious.
Seriously, I've heard or read something and head off to the gym to prove it or to call it NOT WORKABLE FOR ME! I won't hit the "like" button, or respond to foreshadow my next GREAT E-article.
I have an idea...Get a job! Hard shell gym job! Not some fancy personal trainer 24 hour fitness nonsense either. I'm talking about places like TPS in Boston (Murph's place) or Iron Sport Gym (Stevie P's), or how about The Spot (J.L.'s place) or even Counterstrike (Lee Zimmerman's show) and get down and dirty and figure out things that will and will not work for YOU!
But if you sit at the computer or your Dumbass phone all day and hit "like" and comment on other people's bullshit, then PLEASE...PLEASE don't try to impress those of us that will call you out and say..."B.S.!"
Here's the session today.
GHR:2x10 to warm up
Dynamic Squats: Box is low, using a Mastodon Bar and blasting the weight with aggression after a controlled deceleration. 8x2x300
THEN, work up to a heavy but not spine breaking ONE rep or 500 lbs Raw Dog Raw. Only thing more raw would have been to do it naked, but then again, spotting might be awkward.
GHR: 4x10x a 25 lb. weighted vest.
Reverse Hyper: 4x15 with what ever was left on it from the night before
5x 116 yards x 90 lb. Why, you may ask 116 yards? Because I thought it was 100 until one of the guys fetched up a measuring wheel.