Everybody wants a bigger bench right?
And everybody love FREE stuff right?
I’ve got you covered this week on both.
I am giving you the exact same program our lifters in the TPS Method for Powerlifting are going to be using next starting week.
This is the block they will execute before a meet prep block.
This new training block is a little different than ones I have written in the past because no matter what you think, you are your coaches guinea pig.
I’ve added in more work at varying percentages on each day instead of running one and I’ve adjusted my RPE chart to reflect new data and made it (hopefully) more precise and easier to recover from while still making steady progress.
AND: This FREE 8 Week Bench Press Program program is not for beginners.
One thing to remember about my programming is that the RPE is the driver.
Stick to it, don’t overshoot it.
If it is supposed to be an RPE 8 at 75% and it feels like a 10, LOWER the weight.
If the RPE feels too low, add up to 5% and if that isn’t enough, MOVE THE BAR FASTER.
You’ll be benching twice a week on this.
One main day and one speed day.
Week 4 is a deload week, take it.
And make note of what we suggest for band and chain usage with this nifty chart.
As advertised, here is your FREE 8 Week Bench Press Program
Week 1
Day 1:
1. Bench with chain
3 sets x 3 reps RPE 7/72.5%
2. Medium Grip 2 Board Bench 8RM
3. JM Press 3 sets x 8 reps
4. DB Row 1x12, 1x10, 2x8 +
Standing Banded Rear Delt Fly AR x 12-15
5. Rolling Triceps Extension 8x8
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench with Chain
45% 8x3
2. Medium Grip Pin Press 2” off chest
3. Incline DB Bench 1x12 reps, 1x10 reps, 2x8 reps
4. Lat Pulldowns x 10 + Straight Arm Pulldown x 12 x 5
5. Tricep Pushdown
x 10-12 + Hammer Curls x 10-12
x 5
Week 2:
Day 1:
1. Bench with chain
1 sets x 3 reps RPE 7/72.5%
2 sets x 3 reps RPE 8/75%
2. Medium Grip 2 Board Bench 6RM
3. JM Press 2 sets x 8 reps + 2 sets x 6 reps
4. DB Row 1x12, 2x10, 2x8 +
Standing Banded Rear Delt Fly AR x 12-15
5. Rolling Triceps Extension 10x10
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench with Chain
50% 10x3
2. Medium Grip Pin Press 2” off chest
3. Incline DB Bench 1x12 reps, 2x10 reps, 2x8 reps
4. Lat Pulldowns x 10 + Straight Arm Pulldown x 12 x 6 sets
5. Tricep Pushdown x 10-12 + Hammer Curls x 10-12 x 6
Week 3:
Day 1:
1. Bench with chain
1 sets x 3 reps RPE 8/75%
1 set x 3 reps RPE 9/80%
1 set x 3 reps RPE 10/85%
2. Reverse Band Bench
2 sets x 1 rep at 95%
3. Incline DB Bench: 8RM
Over 3-4 sets
4. Tate Press x 10 + Lying Banded Pullaparts
x 10 x 5
5. Row 5 sets x 10 reps
Day 2:
1. Bench Lockout Holds
3 sets x 15 seconds
2. Speed Bench with Chain
55% 12x3
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 3x5
3. Cable Row x 12 + Face pull x 12 x 3 sets
4. Pull Down x 12 reps x 5 sets
5. OH Tricep Extension X 12 reps + DB Curls x 12 reps
X 5 sets
***Bench Builder: Begin 1st week at 70%-Add 5 lbs. total each successive week.
Day 1:
1. Floor Press
3 sets x 5 reps RPE 7/72.5%
3. Incline DB Bench: 6RM
Over 3-4 sets
4. Tate Press x 12 + Lying Banded Pullaparts x 12 x 3
5. Rows 3 sets x 12 reps
Day 2:
1. Bench Lockout Holds
2 sets x 20 seconds
2. Speed Bench with Mini Band
50% 8 sets x 3 reps -5 lbs. more than last week
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 3x5
3 Cable Row x 10 + Facepull x 10 x 2 sets
4. Pulldown x 8 reps x 4 sets
5. OH Tricep Extension X 8 reps + DB Curls x 8 reps
X 3 sets
Week 5:
Day 1:
1. Medium Grip Floor Press with chain
2 sets x 4 reps RPE 7/65-70%
2 sets x 4 reps RPE 8/70-72.5%
2. Medium Grip 2 Board Bench 8RM
3. Single Arm Incline DB Bench:
Work to a max set of 10, then do 1 set of dumbells lighter with both arms x AMAP**
4. DB Row x 12 + Face pull x 12 x 4 sets
5. Tricep Pushapart x 12 + Banded Kickbacks x AMAP x 3 sets
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench with Mini Band
52.5% 10x3
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 3x5
3. Diesel Press 8 reps + GHR Situp x 8 reps x 3
4. Superset: 3 x
DB Roll Backs x AMAP + Tate Press x 12-15 x 3 sets
5. Lat Pulldowns Cluster Sets: Do 6 reps, rest 10 seconds, repeat for a total of 18 reps x 4 sets +
50 Banded Pushdowns with Micro Mini as Active Rest
**1 Arm Incline DB Bench EG: You worked up to a 55 lb. DB for 10 reps over 3-4 work sets. Drop down to a pair of 50’s and do 1 set AMAP with them.
***Bench Builder: Begin 1st week at 70%-Add 5 lbs. total each successive week.
Week 6:
Day 1:
1. Medium Grip Floor Press with chain
2 sets x 4 reps RPE 8/70-72.5%
2 sets x 4 reps RPE 9/72.5-75%
2. Medium Grip 2 Board Bench 6RM
3. Single Arm Incline DB Bench:
Work to a max set of 8, then do 1 set of dumbells lighter with both arms x AMAP**
4. DB Row x 8 + Face pull x 12 x 5 sets
5. Tricep Pushapart x 8 Banded Kickbacks x AMAP x 4 sets
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench with Mini Band
55% 12x3
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 3x5
3. Diesel Press 12 reps + GHR Situp x 12 reps x 2
4. Superset: 2 x
DB Roll Backs x AMAP + Tate Press x 12-15
5. Lat Pulldowns Cluster Sets: Do 8 reps, rest 10 seconds, repeat for a total of 24 reps x 3 sets +
60 Banded Pushdowns with Micro Mini Band as Active Rest
Week 7:
Day 1:
1. 1 Board Bench
4 sets x 3 reps RPE 8/80%
2. Medium Grip Pin Press: 3-4” off chest
8 RM
3. Flys: Cable, Band or Chain x 12 reps +
Pushups x AMAP x 3 sets
4. Standing 1 Arm Cable Row x 12 reps x 4 sets
5. Superset: 12 reps x 4 sets each
SA Tate Press+ DB Curls
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench
50% 10x3
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 3x5
3. Close Grip Incline-Bamboo Bar 3 sets x 12-15 reps
4. Seated Cable Row 8-10 reps + Cable Shrug
(just stand up and use the same cable) x AMAP with same weight x 4 sets
5. EZ Curl Skull Crusher on Floor 5x8 + 10 Hammer Curls
Week 8:
Day 1:
1. 1 Board Bench
1 sets x 3 reps RPE 8/80%
2 sets x 3 reps RPE 9/85%
2. Medium Grip Pin Press: 3-4” off chest
6 RM
3. Flys : Cable, Band or Chain x 12 reps +
Pushups x AMAP x 2 sets
4. Standing 1 Arm Cable Row x 8-10 reps x 3 sets
5. Superset: 8 reps x 3 sets each
SA Tate Press+ DB Curls
Day 2:
1. Speed Bench
55% 12x3
2. Bench Builder***:
Close Grip Bench
70% 2x5
3. Close Grip Incline-Bamboo Bar 2 sets x 12-15 reps
4. Seated Cable Row x 8-10 reps + Cable Shrug
(just stand up and use the same cable) x AMAP with same weight x 3 sets
5. EZ Curl Skull Crusher on Floor 3x8 + 10 Hammer Curls as Active Rest
If you have never trained using RPE before it does take a little time to get used to.
RPE means Rate of Perceived Exertion and when used properly, it is excellent.
If you aren’t honest with yourself and go over it is a disaster.
Use this scale when determining your RPE:
- RPE 6: you can do 4-5 more reps-think Deload
- PRE 7: you can do 3-4 more reps
- RPE 8: you can do 2-3 more reps
- RPE 9: you can do 1-2 more reps-this should be pretty hard
- RPE 10: Maximum effort. No more reps could be done.
Get after this program and watch your bench improve.
No, you will not add 100 pounds to your bench in 8 weeks, but you will add pounds to it.
If you want to see the whole program or take advantage of all of our other content, go to TPSMethod.com and grab a free trial.
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And @tpsmethod
Vincere vel mori
C.J. Murphy
February 27, 2020