Let's be honest, you have probably already quit The Nemesis Program once you got to Week 9 and 10! But if you had the guts to stick with it and the crazy brain cells to finish those two weeks, you are ready to peek around the corner into PR City with Week 11!
The goal of this week is to have an idea of how far you want to go into PR City next week. Nothing more! Don't push it, don't go overboard, don't go for a PR just because you felt like it. Stick to the numbers, increase your food and recovery methods, be ready for next week!
Stick with your Training Max this week but use it as a guide to what you think you can lift next week. If you have been training based off a Training Max for the last 11 weeks you SHOULD have an idea as to what you can lift if your life depended on it!
Day 1:
Bench Press:
Work up to your choice of:
85% x 3 OR
A Heavy Max Triple
3 Board Press: 85% x 3 x 3
Add Sling Shot: Have Safe Fun!
** I know that you can probably get 8 reps with 85% at this time so if you are having a rough day just take the 85% x 3 and move on. If you feel great just work up to a heavy max set of 3 and then call it.
Day 2:
Box Squats:
Work up to 80% x 1 THEN
Add reverse light/mini bands and continue with doubles, NO MISSES!
Lunges: 1 set of 10 each leg, this is just therapy work
** If you can nail 80% then you should have a solid idea as to what you can do next week when you need to. Make sure that your speed and technique are kicking hard!
Day 3:
2 Board Press Press: 75% x 3 x 2 sets (based off of your full bench press 1RM)
Option to Take 85 and 90-95% off of a 2 Board For A Single
Triceps: hard work
** Yes, this will be light work on the board press but you just need the volume and the deload at the same time. Trust me and your body.
Day 4:
Deadlifts: 3/1/1 with 60/70/80% OR
Work up to a heavier single or double (but not 92% or more)
You have the option to simply add chain weight after 80% if you'd like to
** The deadlift can be very fickle so if you take anything at or above 90% for a hard set this week you might totally stink up the gym on deadlift day next week. Make sure that your speed and technique are both there on this day and then shut it down.
* Every session should end with a set or two of Triceps, Lats, ABS, GHR, and Rotators MINIMUM!
* No maxes this week, you want to leave the gym recovered and HUNGRY for a trip to PR City in Week 12!
** SERIOUSLY LISTEN, IMPORTANT: Finish every training session with something for abs and try to do a set or two of GHR's and rotators now and again as well! Next week will be more of the same and then we will majorly AND PRODUCTIVELY deload before a trip to PR City!
I know that you think I'm crazy, but I've done this very week of programming so many times myself that you wouldn't believe it! Keep this week as it is the most important week I've sent you so far! If you ever (knock on wood) have an injury, set a very low training max and do this week for several weeks in a row!
(after 11 weeks already in the bag, it's a cliffhanger!...)