Be prepared and always be looking through your programming as to what is working and what is not working. Be aware, your recent progress MIGHT NOT BE from what you've done in the last 2-6 weeks but it might be because of what you have done over the last 2-6 months! Look back, way back, and see what you did to set yourself up for your current greatness!
Nemesis Program 1 Week 5
Day 1:
Bench Press:
55/65/75% + doubled mini bands x 5/5/5+
(I suggest micro mini bands here and adding 5% more weight instead of mini bands)
3 Board Press: 80% x 3 (keep bands on the bar)
1 Board Press: 80% x 1 (keep bands)
Add Sling Shot (keep bands): Have Fun! NO INJURIES ALLOWED
* I really prefer to see people use the micro mini bands here on bench press especially if they are going to be pressing, squatting, and pulling OR doing any other sport at the same time. You need the band tension for the resistance but a lot of times the standard mini bands are TOO MUCH for your joints to recover from. That...and the micro mini bands are CHEAP!
* Try to keep your board presses explosive. Don't bounce off of the boards but keep a slight pause and then EXPLODE!
* Try to limit your sets to 2-4 with the SlingShot. Have fun but don't go overboard.
Day 2:
Box Squats: 10-12 sets of 2 with 60 seconds rest between
50% + bands/chains
Optional 3 heavier singles in 5-10% jumps
Free Pause Squats (same bar): 1-2 sets of 1 with whatever you feel comfortable with, no misses, no crazy efforts, something super light is best!
Lunges: 2 sets of 10 each leg, sissy squats are also acceptable
Back Extensions: 3 sets of 10
ABS: 3 hard sets
* This day simply works for athletes AS LONG AS your technique is remotely decent.
* Have fun with the Sissy Squats!
Day 3:
2 Board Bench Press: add micro mini or mini bands OR reverse the bands...your choice
50% x 3 x 2 sets
60% x 3 x 2 sets
70% x 2 x 2 sets
Work up to a max 3-5 here
Chins: 2 max rep sets
Triceps: hard work
Rows: 3 sets, hard work
Rotators: 3 hard, high rep sets
* Use caution as this day will sneak up on your for days afterwards!
* Don't skip the volume in the warm up sets before you push for a heavy set of 3-5 reps! Less than 3 is not acceptable so don't just keep adding weight!
* With your triceps and Rows make a full range of motion extension on every single rep! Let the muscle and joints fully extend and contract.
Day 4:
Deadlifts: 65/75/85% with chains x 2/2/3-5
Alternate Stance off Boxes: 65% x 3 x 3
GHR or Hamstring Exercise of Choice: 3 hard sets of WORK
ABS: 2 hard Sets
* To determine your Training Max use this formula
1RM - Chain Weight = Training Max
* You don't need to do 3's and 5's through your warm up sets on Deadlifts. Do what you need to get your CNS primed for one all out set at the end!
* I suggest a set of chains that are somewhere around 55 lbs (25 kgs) total here but don't stress if yours are over or under.
** Optional Day 3: Start with OHP: 4 sets of 4 with 80%
** Finish every session with triceps, lats, abs, and something for prehab
If you are still reading, THANK YOU! I'm working to bring you some content that will actually help you and your training even more. The intentions of filling my YouTube account and my EliteFTS Coaching Log with more AND MORE content has been great, so let me know if you are seeing it! I have some great videos to upload for you guys that are short and effective and MIGHT help you fill your toolbox of awesomeness.
As always, if you have any questions, PLEASE email me!
Clint Darden
Bicep Prime
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