Your Nemesis Rolls On!
I'm not for sure what motivates you but for me there is always a little voice over my head saying "they doubt you" as well as many other things. It is both my Nemesis and my Positive Motivator. Not only does the voice tick me off but it is also pulling me forward towards greatness. The Nemesis Program is designed to determine your strengths and WEAKNESSES and then we focus on the weaknesses while keeping your strengths into the program. Don't let your Nemesis ONLY hold you back, focus on it and let it drive you towards greatness.
And yes, this applies both towards training and in life in general.
Nemesis Program 1 Week 3
Day 1:
Bench Press:
5/3/1 with 75/85/95%
2 Board Press: 2 sets of 2 with 90% of your full 1RM
4 Board Press: 2 sets of 2 with 90%
1 Board Press: 1 set of 1 with 90%
Add Sling Shot: 3 sets of 8 with 80% of your 1RM Full Press
Flat Dbell Press: 4 sets of 20 reps, little rest, no missing
Triceps (rolling dbell tric exte / tricep push downs / skull krushers):
2-5 sets of 8-15 reps
Vertical Lats: 1-4 all out sets of 12+ reps, short rest periods
Horizontal Lats: 1-4 all out sets of 12+ reps, short rest periods
Day 1 Break Down:
Don't forget to base everything off of your Training Max AND that your training max % might be higher or lower than others. We need a clean 95% x 1 here. Your board presses are determined by your weak points and are designed to build the amount of work that you can do in a training session, week, month, and over a 12 week training cycle. We need those triceps and supporting muscles to be able to fire hard and correctly over and over and over. Same with the 4 board press and the most important lift of the day is a single with 90% off of a 1 board!
Make your accessory work BUILD. Shorten rest periods and don't worry about using super heavy weight. Look to get some sort of progress out of this week over the last two weeks. Don't know which tricep exercise to do? Do a couple sets of each till you find one that kills you and one that you are really terrible at, then do that one all the time!
Day 2:
Box Squats: 5 sets of 2 with 90 seconds rest between
60% + 15-25% bands
Free Pause Squats: 2 sets of 1 with 80%
Lunges: 3 sets of 10 each leg
Back Extensions: 3 sets of 12
ABS: 3 hard sets
Day 2 Break Down:
This is mostly a Dynamic Effort Box Squat day. Yes, I know that you are doing box squats and not SQUATS! These are a builder of muscles, NOT A SQUAT! This is why we finish with Pause Squats and why we squat on a different day! Make sure that your box squats are done properly, fast, explosive, and with short rest periods! These should not be easy!
Get through the accessory work and you CAN always add in some triceps, rotators, glute ham raises, calf raises, and therapy work too!
Day 3:
Bench Press: 70% x 8 x 3 sets
Chins: 70+ reps in a session
Triceps: hard work
Face Pulls: 2 sets of 20
Upper Back Dbell Rows: 3 sets of 10
Dbell Laterals: 12+ reps front, side, rear x 3 sets (light and easy)
Day 3 Break Down:
We are continuing to build on reps here for this day as you will need to be able to hit lower reps for high volume later in the programming. Since you are going heavier on bench press earlier in the week, focus on speed and reps on this day and simply get the work done. You might find that a little extra warm up, mobility work, and band traction to start this day off could go a long way towards performance since you might be sore in the upper body from both Day 1 and Day 2. I will include a video at the bottom of this email of a great warm up stretch that you can do!
This day is all about building some muscle and staying healthy! Keep it that way and don't get carried away!
Day 4:
Squats: 5/5/5 with 65/75/85%
Optional heavier single or double
Deadlift: 3/1/3+ with 70/80/90%
Alternate Stance off boxes: 80% x 3 x 2 sets
ABS: 2 hard sets
Day 4 Break Down:
Day 4 is still the toughest day of the week for most people as you need to Squat and Deadlift in the same training session. This day gets a lot of questions so I'll answer a few of them here:
1) I'm beat up from squatting twice per week, what should I do?
** Easy...use a SS Yoke Bar, Strap Bar, OBB Handles, or Cambered Bar on this day...or reverse band your squat and stick with the guesstimate %'s.
2) My knees/back/hips are stiff, how can I alleviate this?
** Easy and complicated at the same time. Make sure that you have done some kind of mobility work every day (foam rolling is about 10% mobility work, maybe 0%). Squat, move, walk, massage everything. Voodoo Floss, band traction, hot creams.
** And freaking WARM UP! Use a proper warm up that creates a sweat, increased heart rate, total body movement, etc... I'm falling in love with Med Ball Slams for this lately!
** Wrap your knees. Not a hard wrap but use some light wraps and put a light wrap over and under the knee. You don't get extra cool points for not wearing wraps in training EVEN IF YOU ARE A RAW LIFTER!
** Use a properly placed high(er) than depth box while wearing super loose briefs.
Anyways, I get off track with ranting and raving but we are looking for some smooth TECHNICAL squats and deadlifts on this day. You don't need a lot of accessory work (lats, low back, hams, etc) because after you have done squats and deadlifts your body should be pretty well toast, ESPECIALLY if you have already done accessory work 3x this week.
** Optional Day 3: Start with OHP: 4 sets of 6 with 70%
** Finish every session with triceps, lats, abs, and something for prehab. (2-5 sets minimum)
If you are still reading, THANK YOU! I'm working to bring you some content that will actually help you and your training even more. My internet connection has been slow to NONE the last few weeks because there are currently 4 construction projects going on within 100 feet of my house. I have some great videos to upload for you guys that are short and effective and MIGHT help you fill your toolbox of awesomeness.
As always, if you have any questions, PLEASE email me!
Clint Darden
Bicep Prime