Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some upper body off boards with accommodating resistance. Some used chains some used bands depending on how they felt. After that they hit a boatload of upper body moe emits to compliment their training session.
As far as for myself I hit some cambered bar box squats. Some like free squats some like box squats, to each their own. I notice less stress on the knees while doing box squats throughout my training session. I have squatted over 1100lbs in many meets must be working. After that I hit a few sets of backward lunges then my 1215pm lunchtime class arrived.
Cant say enough about my clients/groups/organizations etc. I have built TTF from the group up and we are growing daily. The Powerlifitng squad as much as I want it to is secondary and as far as income not much. I love helping my team though and wil always do everything in my power to get them better.