Today our Powerlifitng squad hit some heavy upper body. They started off with a ytwl series and some int/ext rotation movments. For the lift heavy as hell DB presses, DB mil presses,pull-ups (or pulldowns depending on the athlete), swimmers row and a fun superset at the end. As with every tues/thurs I leave it to the athlete to do extra stretching, sled work, roll etc if they need it. We have some lifters with some small issues and tryin to get them set up healthy and strong for March/April.
I have been swamped with work. Did very little fri, some neck and ab machine work was it. Plan on lifting mon/wed/fri next week. Heading to a dr appt Tomorow curious how my weight is. Really like sitting at 270lbs for now (hard to gain with the water pills). Looking forward to only working a few hours sat and having sun off/family time. Been awhile since I have had a day off.
Always send out the weekly scheudle to the lifters on Sunday. I out a lot of thought into how to get everyone better and try to get as much feedback throughout the week from talking and watching when I can.