I decided to play around a bit today. I felt good, but I'm on a good run with the progression and I'm not smart enough to figure it out if I don't do one phase per week, so I just trained today with little guidance.
- SSB Box Squat 155x5, 205x5, v245x5, 295x5, 335x5
- Push-ups 5x10
- Band Pull-aparts 100
- FBB Press 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 145x5
- Pull-ups 5x5
- Sit-ups 50
- FBB Extensions 50 reps
- DB Snatch 3x5 each
- Hammer Rows 5x10
- FBB Curls 50 reps
- Inclined Rear Delts 50 reps
Really good day. I decided to do the main work and skip the FSL sets. My shoulder/pec was a little tight from push-ups. Not sure why. It actually bothered me overhead pressing. Odd.
I liked the DB Snatches. I really got my heart rate up and felt some good work in my shoulders. Felt really good.
I'm 3 weeks into my new plan. So far, I feel like I'm getting in better shape and some muscle tone is coming back from my hiatus. My bodyweight is around 275. I'm not too worried about where it goes (up or down). I just want to feel good and get strong again. Seems to be working.