I was hoping the weather would be good today. My plan was to lift early and head to the gun range. It was raining. Plan B was in effect. I played NCAA Football '10 for 3 hours, made a supplement order for the school, met with the volleyball coach about the new facility and finally made it over to lift. Got in a great one. I was a little worried because I wasn't feeling well earlier. I had some major sleep issues this week. Since Sunday night I'm working on about 17 hours of sleep. Just not getting tired. When I wake up 2-3 hours later, I up. Weird. It'll catch up with me and I'll crash and get back on a good schedule. But, it didn't effect me today.
- Block Pulls 135x5, 225x5, 315x5, 405x5
- Push-ups 5x10
- Band Pull-aparts 100
- FBB Press 95x5, 115x5, 135x5, 5x5@95
- Pull-ups 8x6
- Hammer Rows 5x10
- Push-ups 5x10
- Split Squat 3x5
- FBB/DB Curls 100 reps
Heading home! I considered going to The Plaza and catching some live music tonight. Not sure how that will play out. It's not looking good, but who knows?
Bodyweight is sitting right around 272.After 3 workouts this week (60 minutes on the bike yesterday - thanks to the little college girl who came to chat me up and turned it from 30 to 60!) I feel great. Looking to keep this train rollin'!