I ordered the SS Yoke Bar on Tuesday and it said "usually ships in 3-4 weeks" so I had no hopes. When I got home from work on Thursday it was sitting on my back porch. It's good to be Matt Rhodes (that's what I'm telling myself). So obviously, I had to use the new bar.
I have Perform Better's SSB for our athletes because they are much cheaper. I will never use one of those again. The Yoke Bar is fantastic. With no plan in place, I just put some weight on and lifted.
- SSB Box Squat: 150x5/200x5/240x3/280x3/340x5 PR!
- Bent Rows: 5x10@135 (I need to go a little heavier)
- Push-ups: 5x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- Neck/Curls
I've been doing shoulder rehab and I haven't been able to Bench. The work has been aggravating it. But, in the week I've actually been consistent with it my biceps tendon hasn't been rolling in and out of the groove as much. I know it will help, I just can't stand doing it.
This week I'm leaving for Arizona on Thursday. They're honoring our '98 team at halftime of the Oregon game. And, it's Homecoming. It'll be my first Homecoming as a spectator, ever. Should be fun. I'll train Monday and Wednesday this week.
Moving forward, I'll train Squat and Deadlift every workout since I can't really Bench right now. That's how I'll probably finish out the year.
I'm looking forward to my NOV Meet with Wendler in December and then taking a few weeks off when I go to Arkansas for Christmas break. Right now I'm thinking that I bring back BBB in 2019. I'll spend January through May doing some high volume work and try to put on some muscle. I may continue that through the summer, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. I already know that I don't really want to do it, but I know it works.