I combined two workouts today, sort of. We have our little weight lifting thing next Tuesday and I'm lacking motivation.
- SSB Box Squat: 3x5 Warm-ups
- Ab Rollouts: 3x10
- SSB Box Squat: 235x5/295x5/335x5
- FBB Press: 115x5/135x5/135x5
- Pull-ups: 6x5
I screwed around for a little while and did some push-ups and GHR.
Just not feeling the motivation. Not sure if it's just because I've been so busy with preparing for the end of the semester or I'm just burned out. I really have to set a goal to keep me motivated. Right now I'm just training. Never a good idea.
Physique goals NEVER work. I'm not in the 1rm mode anymore, either. It may have to be some RM goals. I think I'll toy with that next week to get a baseline and then work towards increasing them as the summer goes on.
I just need to find an edge again. Until then, I'll just keep plugging along.