THursday 30 min stepmill and Sunday 30 mins stepmill
Friday 2/5 Upper
Ab wheel 3x8
Lots of back work and some rear delts with new training tool we are working on, so testing and training.
Wide neutral grip, close MAG grip seated rows and another neutral grip for pulldowns 8x8 each
Dumbell rows 4x12 each
Pull aparts with overhead variant 4x12
Bench 315x5x5
Machine press severalxwhatever
Dumbell light incline 3x15
Some curls.
Saturday Lower 2/6
Front squat close stance with harness 285x3x5
Back squat wide 415x5 , last work set
Sumo deads with 154lb famers dumbells 3x5
Standing Abs 6x12