I am never one to mix words. I like direct approaches and not wasting another person's time.
I've become transparent as I can over the years. Have a question? ASK! I answer the questions as direct as I can without a lot of extra.
What I find hard to deal with are in today's age of being conscience of HOW a person MIGHT interpret what is said, we feel the need to "pad" it. Not only pad it, but tell partial truths and mostly lies in order to NOT offend a person.
I have often said...I'd rather you tell me the truth, even though it may hurt my feelings (it won't) than to tell me a lie and I find out about it.
Case in point, I asked the question "How much is our current deficit?" to which I got answers ranging from "it's not his fault" to "it was incurred by..." I got ratios that I don't care about. I got flowery prose that didn't mean anything to me. All I wanted to know was what our deficit is?
Then I got an answer that was WAY off. I was polite enough to thank the person for the wrong number and left it at that. I was lied to, talked around to, and plainly NOTHING came of it. (By the way, that little billions of dollars I was told about...yea, try 14 TRILLION dollars. MUCH bigger than was previously thought)
My blood pressure rose. I am passionate about being a Patriot.
It wasn't until my lovely wife asked me the "how many fucks are given?" question that I realized that it is totally unnecessary to feel this way.
She in her own sweet way asked me, "are you going to change your mind about who it is that you are going to vote for?" I answered...NO!
Then she asked..."do you think anything you say, post, or do will change the minds of the voter you seek the change from?" To which I HAD to answer...NO!
Decisions have been made. There probably won't be much change from here on in. So time to get back to important things, like pals, tasty waves and training.
Today I went ahead and did 3 rep Max Suspended Good Mornings. Worked up to a SOLID 315 with a belt and Mastodon Bar *325
GHR's: 4 sets of 8 reps...ewwww these weren't easy
Suspended Knees to Elbow: 4x10
Heavy Pull Down Abs: 4x8x100
45 degree back extension: 2 sets of 50 MOTHERFUCKING Reps.
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