My internet connection went off Thursday night. Strange. I live right on top of the Internet World of Fame or better known, Silicon Valley and the internet can be snatched right out from under you for no particular reason and there lies the reason for my being "Off the grid".
I'm sitting here writing this after taking my dog, Cooper for his daily walk.
I often find myself thinking about different kids that I've trained over the years and some will surprise you when they walk up and say, "Hey Coach, remember ME?"
I'm one that hates not remembering a name, especially if they know mine, so I scramble for theirs or I have a nickname that might jog my memory.
Regardless, the point I'm making is on today's walk such an event happened.
A nicely mannered young man and his wife walk up to me and introduce himself to me and then his wife by saying..."Hi, my name is Sam. You're Coach Selkow and I'd like to introduce you to my wife. "
After the pleasantry's of shaking hands and smiles and what have you been up to's...Sam remembering what the team had called me when they were under my charge as a nickname.
Mind you, over the years I've received many. But this one made me laugh out loud. While I commanded respect from the boys, never would they have called me this while participating. But I think that on numerous get togethers and rallys around kegs of beer, the questions might still arise as to "Remember what 'Grenade' would do if you did such and such?" or "Grenade will STILL kick your ass".
I am still smirking at the thought.
GHR as a warm up: 2x10
Suspended Knee to elbow: 2x12
Pin Pulls from the third hole on the EliteFTS rack:
Up to a HEAVY 1 rep. Do not max! Leave some in the tanks
Back Raise on the GHR holding a 20 lb med ball under the chin:
EPD or Escalating Prowler Density:
40 yard pushes increasing the weight of the Prowler every two reps.