“Once you learn how to see how your inner turmoil manifests itself through your surroundings, you can reverse engineer this, mastering yourself by mastering the space in which you live.”
— Shoukei Matsumoto
Since moving to the new space, I have complete control of the environment. Although I would vacuum and mop the space, the crowd that came in when I left would tear it up.
I'm not too fond of it when there are dirt balls on the floor, chalk all over the place instead of the bowl, and plates left out or mis-stacked. God forbid the dumbells to be in order...
But NOW!!! I would say it's one of the attributes (along with EXPERT coaching, and not just programming) I take great pride in.
The people who use the new space also appreciate it. They especially dig it when they see me and my partners busting our ass while they are warming up or lifting while we work around them (AND coach or help out in any way we can).
Lead by example!
If your gym is a pig pen...CLEAN up the area you use. Who cares who does it? "If it's to be, it's up to me"
You can once again, "Eat off the floor". (just pick up the crumbs.)
Today's Training:
Run: 3 mile fartlek
Cycle: Commute
Clean the gym: Freak'n spotless
Tricep Pushdown: 1x Changed my mind and switched to...
GHR: 4x10
Dynamic Squat: 10x2
Smith Machine "Mule Kick": 4x10
BOSU Sit-up: 100 reps
Cycle: Commute