The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is one of the Featured Coaching Logs at EliteFTS.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: FRIENDSHIPS FORGED IN STEEL
The journey of powerlifting in part is about being the best powerlifting you can be and testing yourself on the platform where it matters. Along this journey, if you are doing it right, you will find brothers not of blood but of iron, and friendships forged in steel…..
Each person’s journey in this great sport of powerlifting is unique to that end user. For some, it is merely an opportunity to try something new, for others it is their passion and one of the main priorities of their life. For others still it is an absolute obsession. Some lifters will be go through the motions, others will truly become the best they can be and others, the very few become legends like an Ed Coan.
Regardless if you are a weekend warrior, a lifter obsessed with being the best there ever was, or somewhere in the middle, the thing all of us have in common who have shared the platform of competition is that we have made friends along this epic and in many cases, life altering journey of powerlifting. For me personally I think of some of the lifelong friends I have made through powerlifting like Ernie Frantz, Tom Carnaghi, Mario DeBenedetti III, Larry Tischer, Phillip Daniels and Keith Early just to name a few.
This week at the MGG one of the members of the Saturday RAW-SQUAD, big Quinn, had his last training day with that crew. Quinn is one of those guys that had a few goals in mind when he started with us and pulling 500LBS RAW was one of them. Along the way he met this goal and others and developed some good lifting partners but also some great friends. Years and years from now, when these training sessions all have become a distant blur, Quinn and these friends will look back at this period of time they shared together at the MGG, what they will remember is the journey, the p.r.’s and the friendships.
As a now 50 year old powerlifter with scars older than most members of my team, I still very much enjoy the journey, and I am very thankful that along the way I found brothers not of blood but of iron and made friendships forged in steel. It’s not always roses, and of that I can promise. During my nearly 30 years of powerlifting, I have had some training partners that I couldn’t stand personally, but there was always respect in the weight room and through respect one can find mutual ground to build from and that mutual ground is powerlifting. Because amidst these decades, I find that this strength game unites as the purpose is common, the struggle is binding and the desire to become the best lifter you can be is a thread that runs through all of the serious powerlifters I have met.
As I was putting my thoughts together regarding this coaching log, I came across a very short clip from a very long interview with the G.O.A.T. and ST’s Mark Bell. The interview as a whole was very good, as all of Mark’s stuff is, but it was this little clip that I found especially powerful as it speaks to these relationships that I am trying to expound about. Ed says it way better than I ever could as his journey has been epic, so I am including this clip here for you to enjoy and learn from as we all continue to Live, Lean and Pass On.
As far as Quinn goes, he is just a solid as a rock human being with a strong moral fiber and an ethical compass that points true north. His journey in this sport, just like yours, will continue and as his own personal story in powerlifting, just like yours, is still being written. As Quinn’s personal story continues to unfurl, we hope he looks back with fondness, some decades from now, on the chapter titled, Monster Garage Gym.
Wishing you all the best in your training and meet prep. Ever onward. Eric Maroscher: Monster Garage Gym.
YOU CAN’T KILL A MASTER LIFTER T-SHIRTS NOW AT: http://shop.monstergaragegym.com/
Equipment used in this coaching log training video:
- EliteFTS Texas Squat Bar
- EliteFTS Deluxe Monolifts
- EliteFTS Squatter Proloc Collars
- EliteFTS Magnesium Carbonate
- EliteFTS Yoke Bar
You can find ALL of the prior EliteFTS/Maroscher Coaching Logs/articles at this link: http://www.elitefts.com/author/eric-maroscher/
MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment.
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