I have many "Rules" by which I conduct sessions at my gym. For instance..."Rule 67" states...No Complaining! So when I get an early riser that comes through the door before the light of day has even kissed the earth and has streamed nothing but negative stink'n think'n, I refer them to "Rule 67".
Today was one of those days that I was no where near the board to refer the Iron thrower to. I also play certain music depending mostly on MY mood. The "Coach, this music doesn't motivate me..." will get my response of, "That's ok, it motivates ME and I motivate YOU!" Today's selection was some of Country's most Patriotic tunes. To which my guy again told me that he wasn't favorable towards it. (Hmmmm...was he talking about Country music, or was he being an umPatriotic Commie? We'll never know)
Since I needed a quick and decisive response, I fumbled around the inside of my gym shorts pocket to reveal absolutely NOTHING, telling "X" that "OH...I'm sorry, I must have already given out my last give a EF"
Everyone in ear shot laughed and so did "X"...I got the response after I then had asked..."How are you feeling NOW?" The only agreeable answer could be, "DANGEROUS Sir..."
Ever since focusing on the pinky/ring finger cranking down on the squeeze of the bar, my bench has taken back off. When I start to get up in challenging weight, I am always focused on the pec that I tore repeatedly. But this has helped re direct that focus and has proven thus far to be a small yet VERY effective way to possibly remedy that pesky pec. (say that 10 times fast)
Today was Dynamic Bench and what fun it was.
1. Speed Bench - use 4 different grips (don’t care how you change them) 58% of your raw max (or guess) I used 205 for 8 sets of 3 reps
2. One Arm Dumbbell Rows - * 2 warm up sets
* 3 sets of 6-8 reps ( these should be hard work sets) 145 lb. DB's
3. Pushdowns - any style - use an attachment you haven’t used before.
3 sets of 15-20 (go for a GIANT pump) <--- this is to get blood into the tissue
4. Mini Band Fly-
3 sets 15-20 (go for giant pump) <---- this is to get blood into the tissue
5. Side Raises
* Do 3 sets 12 reps with 45 lb. DB - using a full range of motion.