Zero dark-dark on Monday after the Thanksgiving Holiday, I decide that 31 degrees is still short wearing weather.
I defrosted the ice off the windshield and admired my Christmas Lights that I hung on Friday.
Once in the gym, I saw the opportunity to train with my normal crew. I suppose the holiday didn't affect the attitudes of any of MY people. Like a well oiled machine, everyone got to the seven, forty yard Prowler Sprints with the 90 lb load.
Yup, LUNGS were ablaze. The familiar cough that follows hyper ventilating in cold air was omnipresent.
Inside the warmer gym (not really) Dynamic Squats were done for 8 sets of TWO reps at 55% or 275 pounds on my mono/box squat
10 inch Box Squat (touch and go by just a graze of the hemorrhoid) 5 sets of 12 reps with just 50 lbs using the same Mastodon Bar that was used for the D.E. Squat
GHR: 5x10
After completing the rest of the morning, I turned my attention skyward. The foreboding sky was about to open up with the last of the November rain. As Murphy would have it, I started my ride home to a storm that began with a sprint. Because IT did, so did I.
Beat feet until I got here to type this in my squat/rest position.
I surely am getting this Silver Back Gorilla rest thing down.
I still have a blistering 1.23 miles to run. But I think I'll eat first and see if I can pop a lung and throw up.
GHR: 5x10