Tuesday and I was much more on top of things.
Tuesday is set aside for Dynamic Squats, so we did them
8 sets of 2 at 50%.
Followed by 100 reps of GHR in as few sets as possible.
We also brought the Dead Lift weight back down to 50% and hit 8 sets of singles. My only issue was a tight lat or teres muscle that I had to really concentrate on in order not to have it explode at the point of pulling.
Doesn't really matter though. I was stoked that my body adapted rather nicely to the extra rest I gave it.
If anyone has noticed I like to read the log posts here and see what I can steal from my friends.
I have a few that I really like and some that I kind of like. The issue is, there is ALWAYS something that I'd like to try from one of my Teammates.
If I can offer this up... If you read my stuff and only my stuff, please go check someone else's log out and give one of their exercises or entire workout a try. I'd love to hear your take on it. Then maybe I can cover even more ground in training.
ALSO!!!! There are some really funny characters that train and post on EliteFTS.