Heard a funny one the other day, "I have to get into shape before I come to see Harry", said the wife of a participant of mine.
I found it ironic that someone would use this oxymoron to get into the game. But what ever it takes to get going.
I thought this over for a bit and felt there was an order of importance to those who have been sitting around a while contemplating "getting into it".
While others have their opinion, let me voice mine. I think the most important thing a person can do to get started is to:
1. Get Healthy.
This means becoming informed about FAT loss, and with that nutritional planning.
The phrase for the most part (but not always) "You can't out train a poor diet" is TRUE.
Start to lose the unwanted poundage first. Learn the difference of what a carb, fat and protein are. Research what each of the FUELS actually do.
Hint: Donuts are NOT smart eating for GAINS. I don't give a rip what is popular now. Eat enough of them in one sitting and you'll get a flavor for what kind of carnage they do to your system. Simple Carbs vs Shit carbs is going to become BIGGER than you can imagine.
Know where your blood pressure is. 120/80 is the standard. Big cuff, small cuff, off the cuff...120/80
What is your RESTING Heart Rate? GET it below 70 beats per minute if it isn't already there.
How do you get it there? Cardiopulmonary training. YES! Conditioning. Remember it's Strength AND Conditioning.
You can't drive a Ferrari fast when it is running on a 1944 Edsel engine that hasn't been bored out and updated.
Doing this will help Oxygen delivery. You're going to NEED this!
How do you do it?
Simple!!! Condition like you weight train. I've given Vincent Dizenzo this advice and he's ripped a ton of unnecessary fat from his already sexy frame.
Throw a long slow distance session in for the mind, not your VO2.
Sprint HARD or Prowler push, or ANYTHING that is Higher Intensity that you NEED to rest for a short period of time before beginning the next bout of stress.
Do the exercises forward, backward AND sideways.
When you get into shape you'll become more mobile. You'll find the weakness' in your body too.
NOW you can address getting STRONG!
There is more than enough ample information around the EliteFTS site that I don't need to go into details of the HOW'S.
But since you know the weakness' and you know how, then it's a matter of WHEN!
Here's my standard answer...Why not NOW?
Hint: You don't have to HURT every training session.
Hint: Not all training sessions need to be an HOUR or LONGER in duration.
Hint: When you are done...Feed the needs and rest!
Some is good. More isn't better!
Lastly, you can now address all the other things that you are contemplating beginnings with.
Enough with "tomorrow". Like Apollo Creed said to Rocky...."THERE IS NO TOMORROW!"
Today's training session:
I'm really digging this too.
30 sets of TWO reps of the following exercises done without a break and as quick as you can do it.
I did it in 28 minutes if you need a benchmark.
Remember to keep the form PERFECTO!
Suspended Knees to Elbow
Pull ups
Bench Width (or close grip) Push ups
Chin ups
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