There are coaches in our field who have made tremendous sacrifices to help their athletes and their assistants to improve in every aspect of their lives. Todd Hamer not only understands the importance of developing and mentoring student-athletes from a physical standpoint, but takes pride in facilitating them to make a positive impact in all facets of their maturing process.
Todd Hamer is a friend and mentor who is continually combining a global, life-long learning process with real-world experiences which have made him one of the wisest strength & conditioning coaches in our field. His track record of weight room management, long-term development of athletes, and the holistic preparation of assistant coaches is second to none.
I have invited Coach Hamer to speak at the Central Ohio Strength & Conditioning Clinic on three separate occasions and have watched him coach at Robert Morris University and at the elitefts™ Learn to Train seminars. There has not been an interaction with Todd that I have not learned something about coaching athletes, mentoring people, and bettering myself.
This is an interview we did together at the Learn to Train 7 Seminar in November of 2013.
Topics Covered in this Podcast
- Balancing the training of so many sports at a smaller university.
- Developing assistant coaches and preparing them for the next job.
- The gap between the science of strength & conditioning and the practical application of it.
- Being a thermometer versus being a thermostat in the weight room.
Every time I travel to The Spot Athletics to meet with JL Holdsworth and his staff, I learn a ton. This time around, we filmed some plyometric videos with Nic Bronkall. We also had an in-depth discussion about weak muscle groups in the deadlift which forced me to review the basics of anatomy and physiology. As usual, JL gave me some more drills and exercises to help with my weak points. From our conversation, I found another drill using bands to address my horrendous thoracic spine mobility issues.
While talking to JL and Nic, it was evident how much they are on the same page and how passionate they are about helping athletes achieve their goals. Along with the rest of the staff, JL and Nic take pride in how and why they coach. It is because of this universal disposition that The Spot Athletics is truly unique.
Topics Covered in this Podcast:
- Rationale behind the Friday Technique Video series
- The internship process at The Spot Athletics
- Transitioning from the collegiate setting to the private sector
- Thoughts on conditioning
- The title of "Coach"
- Separating yourself
- Relationships with parents
- Assessing the needs of athletes
- Adapting programming from the assessment
- 5 drills or exercises every athlete should do
- 3 things you will never see The Spot Athletics' athletes do
- Specific skill vs. physical preparation
After reading David Allen's articles on elitefts.com, I knew we had commonalities in our basic philosophies. When I finally got to meet David at the elitefts™ Learn To Train 6 Seminar, that assumption was verified. David has the uncanny ability to relate to a wide variety of coaches, lifters, and clients. He has forged NBS Fitness into one of the top training facilities in the country, let alone in his hometown of Memphis, Tennessee.
David Allen has used the building blocks from his athletic experience as a college football player, his tutelage under legendary coaches like Tommy Moffit and Gayle Hatch, and his personal experiences as a personal trainer to develop his coaching philosophy. That philosophy has allowed David to become one of the most adaptable trainers, coaches, and writers you will ever meet.
This fact is probably why David Allen is able to connect so well with his clients, team members, and staff. He has drawn from such a variety of experiences and used that to benefit every coach, athlete, and client he is in contact with. Whether it is lifting technique, programming, coaching, nutrition, or business; David Allen is a tremendous resource and has a lot to offer anyone who wants to be better.
Topics in this Podcast Include:
- How David got started in the industry
- The D2 strength and conditioning experience
- Being an SEC strength coach
- Thoughts on the Olympic lifts
- Transitioning to the private sector
- Adapting training to the athlete's needs
- Youth and high school sports culture
- Lessons learned from owning a business
- Staff Development
- A unique, three-step hiring process
- Screening clients
- Setting up your own facility
Within the field of college strength and conditioning, Bryan Mann is synonymous with the practical application of scientific research. Strength and conditioning coaches who are able to sift through research and determine what is of value to their athletes are the coaches that are at the top of the field. Earning his doctorate degree while helping lead the University of Missouri to perennial power in multiple sports is indicative of his tenacious work ethic, dedication to his passion, and unwavering integrity when preparing athletes.
I first met Bryan at the CSCCa National Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah Spring 2005. As part of an open roundtable discussion, Bryan was able to explain complicated training methodologies in a very understandable way. The good coaches have a way of doing this. Since then, Coach Mann has been a tremendous resource for me as a strength and conditioning coach. Bryan’s knowledge and application of the APRE system has not only helped his teams and athletes achieve their goals, but has also helped the teams of all the coaches he has influenced. Dr. Mann has researched, modified, and optimized this system to help lifters and coaches alike.
Topics in this Podcast:
- How and why Bran Mann started using Velocity-Based Training (VBT)
- Strength-Speed versus Speed-Strength
- Athlete considerations for VBT in a team setting
- The origin of Coach Mann's implementation of APRE in collegiate athletics
- Why APRE works in a team setting
- Job security and the transition to academia
Matt Rhodes has been a staple of the elitefts™ training logs and Q&A for over a decade. Rhodes admittedly talked about the exposure of elitefts™ through powerlifting that helped land his first collegiate strength and conditioning job.
Interacting with Coach Rhodes and listening to this interview, you get a sense of his sense of duty toward his athletes, his staff, and anyone else that will take the time to listen to him. Rhodes brings a wealthy of knowledge and experience to coaching. That combined with a truthful, welcoming demeanor, it's easy to see why Rhodes has has such a positive influence on the coaching profession.
In this interview from last August, Rhodes gives straight-talk about training, programming, and everything else that all coaches need to hear. Rhodes has built a reputation on not being afraid to get under-the-bar and speak his mind. His brutal honesty is ignited by his passion for giving people the best, most simple information. Something that most of us need. Matt Rhodes
Topics in This Podcast
- How Matt Rhodes got to the position he is at now. A little history.
- What are some of the steps Matt (and any coach) need to do when first taking over a program
- What are some of the biggest differences he has seen in terms of the various universities he's coached at.
- Basic program philosophy and how he sets up training program.
- The exercises Coach Rhodes could not do without, regardless of sport or season.
- The changes Matt has seen in the industry from when he started out.
I'm not sure why it took me so long to get team elitefts Columnist Ashley Jones on the podcast. Maybe it was his traveling schedule from Australia to Japan to New Zealand and back. Maybe it was the time difference. Regardless of the reason, it sure wasn't for a lack of interest.
When you read Ashley Jone's articles, you can't help but gain an appreciation for how much Jones's passion emanates through his writing. He hold nothing back when giving out his information and provides detailed programming and rationale from decades of experience. His following has expanded beyond the sport of Rugby and will benefit coaches of all levels of all sports.
Topic Covered in this Podcast
1. How Ashley Started in the Profession
2. Minimum Requirements for Training Athletes: Overseas vs the States
3. Misconception about Rugby Training; Rugby vs Rugby League vs American Football
4. Programming Considerations for Rugby
5. Assessments for Rugby Players
6. Differences Between In-Season and Off-Season Training for Rugby
7. Setting Up the Game Week In-Season
8. Developing A System for Workload, Based on the Individual
9. Similarities to NFL Coaching Philosophies
10. Technical vs Tactical vs Physical Preparation
11. Monitoring Conditioning and Speed Work
12. A More Creative Way to Implement Conditioning
13. Top-Ups to Address Biomotor Qualities
14. Strength Training for Rugby eBook
15. Advice for Young Coaches
16. Future Plans and How to Reach Ashley
In May of 2013, I conducted my first roundtable interview at the offices at elitefts. My first official day on the job wasn't until two weeks later, but I was thrown (or threw myself) into the fire and conducted an interview with Steve Pulcinella, Chad Aichs, Chase Karnes, and Jon Mike on training for Strongman. It was the first time I met everyone except for Chase, and speaking to Steve P. and Chad is as entertaining as it gets. The roundtable went well although I don't think it was ever put on the site.
Having a conversation with Jon Mike that day made me realize that some of the smartest coaches I know truly understand how concepts are applied in real life. After speaking with Jon, I started reading all of the articles he had written and I finally made the connection that he was The Research Meathead.
Jon Mike has made an impact on our readers by sifting through the biggest misconceptions in the industry and extracting the truth. This podcast was no different.
As Jon Mike finishes up his PhD this Spring, there is no doubt that he will continue to disseminate the most accurate information to the people most passionate about those subjects. Jon Mike has a BS detector as wide as they come and is your best resource to ensure you aren't knee-deep in it.
Topics Covered in this Podcast
- The Journey
- Information Overload: How to Sift Through the BS
- Supplementation Takeaways
- Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin D
- The Real Deal on Gluten
- The Science of Sleep
- Carbs and Protein Guidelines Before Sleep
- Energy Systems
- Increasing the Aerobic System without Volume
- Isometrics Specific to Joint Angle
- The Benefits of Eccentrics among Basic Guidelines
- Overtraining vs Overreaching and The Truth
Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast on iTunes
The Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast
The Elitefts™ Sports Performance Podcast is the premier resource for strength & conditioning coaches, sports performance professionals, and athletes of all levels. Bringing you the best information from the scientific foundations to the practical application. Combining the latest cutting edge research, anecdotal evidence, and under the bar experience.
One of my proudest accomplishments while serving as the Director of Education at elitefts was the implementation of a platform for the best and brightest practitioners in our industry to pass on their wisdom. After over 60 episodes, it is time for a new chapter.
There were a few key components that were important to have to enable these podcasts to represent the quality of elitefts. First, our guests were unapologetically honest and were selfless in there presentations. Second, they held back nothing when disseminating information, which I was keenly aware of when inviting them on the show. Third, they understood the values of elitefts and passed on their experiences and knowledge to a wide arrange of coaches.
I sincerely hope you are able to give a listen to almost three days of information and were able to bring that experience back to your athletes.
- Interview with Dan John
- Interview with Chad Scott, Tim Kontos, John Davis
- Interview with Todd Hammer
- Interview with Tom Palumbo
- Interview with Cam Davidson
- Interview with Joe Kenn
- Interview with JL Holdsworth and Nic Bronkall
- Interview with Dan Stevens
- Interview with James Clear
- Interview with Buddy Morris
- Interview with Anthony Donskov
- Interview with Martin Rooney
- Interview with David Allen
- Interview with Bryan Mann
- Interview with Buddy Morris
- Interview with Jeff Connors
- Interview with Brett Bartholomew
- Interview with Carlo Alvarez
- Interview with Shawn Windle
- Interview with Mark Uyeyama
- Interview with Megan Young
- Interview with Rob McKeefery
- Interview with Cal Dietz
- Interview with Scott Umberger
- Interview with Dr. Michael Yessis
- Interview with Dan Baker
- Interview with Joe DeFranco
- Interview with Greg Pysczynski
- Interview with Brian Cain
- Interview with Alwyn Cosgrove
- Interview with Matt Rhodes
- Interview with Mike Robertson
- Interview with James "The Thinker" Smith
- Interview with Tim Hewett
- Interview with Ryan Horn
- Interview with Carl Valle
- Interview with Adam Feit
- Interview with Jay DeMayo
- Interview with Ashley Jones
- Interview with Nate Harvey
- Interview with Nick Showman
- Interview with Charlie Weingroff
- Interview with Simon Sinek
- Interview with Jonathan Mike
- Interview with Evan Simon
- Interview with John O'Sullivan
- Interview with Loren Landow
- Interview with Brian Thompson
- Interview with Ross Bowsher
- Interview with John Welbourn & Power Athlete
- Interview with Gary Schofield
- Interview with Eric Cressey
- Interview with Frank Wintrich
- Interview with Cory Schlesinger
- Interview with Ted Perlak
- Interview with Mike Boyle
- Interview with Tobias Jacobi
- Interview with Evan Marcus
- Interview with Chris Doyle
- Interview with Mark McLaughlin
- Interview with Fred Eaves
- Interview with Joe Hashey
- Interview with Bob Alejo
- The Last Sports Performance Podcast
Sports Performance Coach Education Series
The elitefts™ Sports Performance Coach Education Series is a comprehensive educational resource for coaches in the collegiate, high school, professional, and private settings. This series will take a fundamental approach to various topics that will enable coaches the additional skills to enhance their coaching abilities, improve marketability in the industry, and drastically increase the impact they have upon their athletes.
- WATCH: How to Find a Strength and Conditioning Job
- WATCH: Becoming a Mentor to Young Coaches
- WATCH: The Four-Step Coaching Process
- WATCH: 5 Strategies to Perform More Work in Less Time
- WATCH: Why Communication is Key to a Better Coaching Career
- WATCH: A Better Way to Train High School Athletes
- WATCH: How to Implement Auto-Regulatory Training in a Team Setting
- WATCH: Pre-Workout Circuits to Optimize Training Time and Maximize Performance
- WATCH: Hypertrophy Circuits for Athletes in a Team Setting
Coaches Clinics
- WATCH: Two Bench Press Mechanical Drop-Sets for Hypertrophy
- WATCH: Two Lateral Speed Drills with Bands to Improve Change of Direction
- WATCH: Adjusting the Glute-Ham Raise to Optimize Your Training
- WATCH: Basic Linear Speed Acceleration Drills in a Team Setting
- WATCH: Kettlebell Training for Team Sports
- WATCH: Three Dumbbell Press Variations
Mark Watts' Articles and Coaching Log