After this last meet I've really struggled with getting back into the groove of lifting. A lot of people asking me about where I'm going from here and when I'll compete next. Honeselty I haven't even got to the point of thinking about that just yet. I did have to loose a lot of weight in prep for that 220 weight cut so i'm planning on running with that the next few months and lean out like I did this time last year. This will allow me to focus on a few nagging issues such as that tweaked shoulder form the squat miss as well as my new movement website.
If you have not seen please check it out! This is an incredibly powerful tool and I'm very exited about it.
This last week I also had Donnie Thompson out and we put on a combined clinic and did some filming for the www.kabuki.MS website listed above as well.
I didn't log my training over the week as it was just random stuff I felt like doing to keep the blood flowing and stay active post meet. Here are some short excerpts from my instagram. I will be back on track with regular training and blog posting this next week.