There's a new movement that sounds a lot like this old statement. People talk about being able to cry and show the "weaker" side specifically for men. Coming out and standing up for being "objectified". Meanwhile, I'm over here reverting back to what I use to say whenever I heard this...ARE YOU KIDDING? Get in touch with my feminine side? F that! I had a mom and two sisters for that. Now I have a wife. They're plenty female for me. I don't cry! Never have, never will. Just not a part of who I am!!! Yes, I have feelings, but those "softer" ones??? I leave those for the softer people of the world. As a matter of fact...Everyone needs to harden the fuck up! We are a world of being Too Soft!
I liked it better when you could safely say..."GROW A PAIR" . Oh hell...GROW A PAIR!
By the way...I'm going to TELL you when you aren't playing up to your par. But I won't be hesitant to say that you look GOOD (or sexy or whatever) when you do.
Yea...as my friend Charlie and I would say..."when and where men are men and women are glad!"
You can start whatever "movement" you'd like. I'm going to have mine going on over here the way I like!
I like the last few Wednesdays because of it's simplicity coupled with it's intensity.
Pull Ups: 500
Dips: 500
Sprint I: 10x10 yards @ 50%
Sprint II: 10x50 yards @75%
Sprint III: 2x100 yards as cool off.