Each and every time I scroll through The Internets and I see someone doing a Glute Ham Raise it most often makes me want to poke out my eyeballs with a rusty stick! I do my best to hold myself back though because being half blind might change my deadlift set up and I already have enough problems driving on the wrong side of the road here in Cyprus.
The truth is, there are many ways to do the Glute Ham Raises. Every time I see someone saying THIS is the way to do a GHR I want to raise my hand from the back of the classroom and ask "But what about if I want to make it carry over to my..." just to hear them stutter.
So how does MY GHR differ from every other one that I've seen? I ask you do to do it SEQUENCE! I want your hamstrings to learn to fire IN SEQUENCE with the rest of your body, not by itself. Relax the back and the entire body, round the upper back, and learn to fire the abs, lower back, then the glutes, hamstrings, and calves!
And get your doggone toes facing the floor!