As you all know, I was driving along the Strength and Conditioning Freeway when I took a "ding" to my bumper during the weeks leading up to Christmas. (Merry Christmas!)
Many of you got Social Media updates from my lovely Bride, April. The responses and prayers were...well...no less than amazing to me.
Then much like the "RKO" laid down by Randy Orton Vinny D reaches out with well wishes and a subtle..."What's next?"
I haven't had to make that decision since I don't recall when, but he was right...what IS next?
I am never one that likes pampering of any sort even though April is on target for "Wife of the Year", I just don't like being fawned over. Hell, when I was a kid and had the flu or some other virus I would get up, get dressed and still go to school. I figured I would be...Typhoid Harry.
But his question set me my pea brain into overdrive. I had to come up with a methodical plan to regain my health, which includes a potential operation in the next couple months, but that's ok too.
I needed a plan that I will actually practice what I preach and not divert off course, AND I needed to report my antics to someone who will give me the thumbs up or down.
Vincent and I have fostered a long distance friendship and he is one of those people that I have the utmost respect.
So far this week, I have actually implemented John Bott's old "Squat Rehab" program found in EliteFTS.com's library for both my Lower and Upper body.
So here's what I've done thus far:
Squat/Dead Lift/GHR: 3 sets of 13 reps at a even paced tempo. with just the bar
Bench press/OHP/ DB Lateral Raise: 3 x13 x Just the bar
Squat/Dead Lift/GHR/Back Extension: 5x13x just the bar
The box squat was set at the lowest setting somewhere around three inches below parallel for me.
The Dead lift was off a #1 pin.
I've also maintained a daily dose of Running albeit SLOWLY, but at least a few miles and 20 minutes of AirDyne that I got as a gift from a lovely friend.
As for my Teams: They can't seem to stay away from the gym even on days I give them off. "Some is good, more is better" mentality is the hardest one to break.
The internet and Commercial Gyms and Xfit has fucked up more than one Central Nerves System.
It's not until something BREAKS that a few will get it!
I can't blame them, I WAS as guilty of this years ago, as they are now. But it's a "Time Bomb" waiting to happen. I know that it's not a question IF, but more of WHEN.
I take responsibility for this. In the future on days I think everyone should rest, I will schedule an "Active Rest". One that consists of more mobility work and stretching.
However today was NOT that day!