Good luck to my clients Judy and Davey Reed at AWPC Worlds this weekend!
Here are my clients and friends, the now 76 year old dynamic duo, Judy and Davey Reed‘s deadlifing 3 weeks out from the AWPC Worlds:
Here’s Judy deadlifting her planned 2nd attempt of 225 and 3rd attempt of 235 with reverse mini bands:
Here’s Davey deadlifting his opener of 275 followed by his 2nd attempt of 315 and 3rd attempt of 355 with reverse mini bands:
The following week they pulled with reverse minis for their opener then the light bands for their second and third to feel their attempts again without over taxing their CNS, followed by a deload one week out and the week of the meet off.
Judy and Davey have been consistently following my Mimimalist Method Powerlifting routine for years now with stead progress and without injury.