Listen, you might think that I'm a veteran at this shit so I shouldn't be "bingeing" on burgers - or anything else for that matter - before I start my contest prep. Really? That would be you assuming that I asked. I didn't. I have every intention of not only enjoying myself the last couple of days before prep starts while I have friends in town, but equally as important is Mrs. Skip has committed to competing with me and SHE damn sure wants her last couple of days. It's the least I can do. Trust me, she would much prefer to keep eating like shit for another year and drinking mortal men under the table.
And we don't do regular burgers. No, we are burger snobs so only the best and highest rated burgers deserve our time. We live about an hour from anywhere so if I am driving at least an hour both ways, that fucking burger better be on par with sex. I'm not talking about sex with my wife but rather sex with your mom. Yeah, I went there. Tell her Skip says hi.
I also took the week off from training. Yes, I fought and I fought but the reality is that I still have a few loose ends to tie up and I was able to get those things done this week. I was also dealing with some tenderness in my back (no pain, just tender) and an odd ping in my left pec and left middle finger - seriously. I think I have a sprained tendon in the back of my hand. It doesn't hurt but it does get tender when I start training - specifically when I am carrying heavy dumbbells to get ready to dumbbell press or even while doing side laterals. It doesn't get in the way of my training but it is concerning because I would hate to have such a minor thing turn into a major thing at the start of a prep, too.
I haven't been this excited about starting a prep in a long time. Not only have I not competed for 5 years but I have never once competed with my wife so this is going to be pretty cool. I know you might be thinking, "prepping together is a terrible idea" but we have been together for 25 years and we actually LIKE each other - not that fake facade crap that you see on FB but we actually get along well and like each other. It is going to be pretty cool.
I gotta go; I gotta eat some burgers.
I hope all of you have a safe and fun New Year!!