Over the years I have had countless success stories. I've helped people get to the next level of play in their chosen sports. I've gotten high schoolers to the collegiate level as well as college kids to the pros in many different sports.
I've given guidance to even more people in weight loss, weight gain, strength gains, and increased endurance.
BUT, I also have even more stories of people that quit on their goals and even life.
We don't talk about those that much for a number of reasons.
Our "failures" aren't fun to advertise. They hurt US (or at least me) to make it clear that no matter how hard you try, not EVERYONE is cut out to succeed.
"Excuses are useless" is a term I often use and live by personally.
I HATE losing! I hate losing to such an extent that any failed person who walks through my door takes a bit of my soul with them.
I have been over the years not only a Strength and Conditioning Coach but also a mentor, a teacher, a friend, and a confidant to many.
I have helped people through not only physical issues but mental ones as well.
I let them know that if I have experience in the subject that is troubling them, I will give my opinion. If I am clueless, then I will listen and guide them in the direction of someone who can help.
Even though this sounds good, it's the ones I miss that led me to write an article as such.
On a daily basis, I will be tasked with no less than three or four big-time issues that people are facing.
Some days it seems as if EVERYONE has something that is urgent.
I believe EVERYONE DOES have some sense of urgency in their life and the weight of that can destroy a person if they have no one available to vent upon.
Because I don't share these secrets with anyone, I harbor your issue as if it's mine.
My wife asked me "How do you do that without falling into a depressed state yourself?"
My answer is my coping technique. I figure if I can help someone, I'll do it. If I can't help them, I can only guide them, and in the forefront of EVERYTHING, God has it well in hand and I can't top HIM!
I'm all about being a competitor. But don't let the competition make you feel any less.
I'm all about Winning. But don't let losing steal your soul.
I'm all about LIVING. But don't let the thought of dying kill you before your time!
Lift Strong, Run/Ride Hard, STOP, and smell the flowers!
GRAB LIFE before it grabs YOU!
(Yeah, this is because I needed to vent a bit today. Thanks for lending an ear)
Today's RARE Saturday Training:
Run: Sprints; 10x50 yards
Shoulder Reliever
GHR: 4x12
Blast Strap Row: 50 reps
Pushups: 50 reps
Deadlift: 4 rep max
Shrug: 4x15
Situps: 100 over a BOSU
Dead Hang: 30 seconds
Front Plank: 30 seconds