"Don't blame others for your misfortune. Work hard and expect the same from others. Have greater value in your friendships, and fight for your marriages. For God sake, wear your patriotism on your sleeve. Don't be naive about America's shortcomings but know that no other country in the world values our services and sacrifices as much as the United States. Fly our flags proudly and WITHOUT apology!
Confront hardships and turn them around into laugheter filled, self-depreciating, unforgettable, sometimes unbelievable stories of life.
Finally its doesn't matter if the stories and events are true or not, it's all how you remember them." ~ Admiral William McRaven
Today's Training:
Run: 5K + 2 mile dog walk
Tier I:
Box Squat: 15x2x365
GHR: 4x12
Their II
Walking Lunge: 200 reps on each leg
GHR: 4x12
Squat: 15x2x135 or 145
Lunch Crunch:
Warm up
Sprints @90% 10x50 yards
Bike Commute: 22 minutes