I can't say that I wanted to train here. I took my chemo on Thursday instead of Friday to get a head start so I'd feel "decent" by this day, Saturday. I was tired and I'm approaching beyond exhausted. I have not had a full night of sleep and a few crash naps per week that I must have to keep going...in weeks!
Hamstring was hurting to walk (you can't imagine sit) but it needs to be moving around.
Watch Shane Solomon deadlift his current Deadlift PR FOR A 2 REPS(!) then keg loads! Chase Karnes training arms? Marty Jackson doing some chest work. Jason Acree doing some overhead press, deadlifts, front squats. Brian King actually squatted with me (and beat me, doggone it)
SS Yoke Bar Box Squats
242 x 3
332 x 3 x 2 sets
242 x 5
Finished off with a lot of sled walking. Near the end, Brian decided to help me out. What are friends for?