When I see people upset or frantic, I remind them that guilt and worry are useless emotions.
Think about it.
If you are going to feel guilty about something you did, don't do it. If you are going to have that same feeling because you left something undone, go back and complete it.
As for worrying about something? Will worrying change the outcome? 100% of the time, absolutely NOT. So why worry about it in the first place?
I know some are thinking, "How can I change the things I feel guilty about?" or "What do I need to do to stop worrying?"
I am a spiritual person, so my answer is "Let go, and let God."
For those who don't have that kind of belief, I will ask, "In what you believe, how is that connection?"
Start with the small stuff (it all is actually kind of small, by the way) and then build up this habit because really, Guilt and Worry are useless!
Today's Training: Yes I know it's Sunday, BUT...
Run: an EASY 3-mile fartlek run.
"when my feet begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow" ~ Henry David Thoreau