My crew and I were discussing the lack of gym etiquette that is persuasive now a days. I think it's because no one has actually pass along the proper use of the gym to the new wave of lifters and the old mighty dollar became more important than the traditions that have stood the test of time.
Ironically there were several breeches that will take over today's lesson and suggestions that I feel needs to be gone over.
One of my "Summer" gals (only trains during the summer months) came in with her son today. I always welcome guest as long as they abide by the rules.
Understand this isn't a normal "son" of youthful age. Nope! This was a kid of about late thirties early forties. As he came across the room I spied him from the corner of my eye as I was in a crouch coaching another participant.
This fellow stood invasively close to me so that when I stood up I was face to chest. Making matters worse he had a scowl and a tank shirt on.
One of my rules is that for a man to train in a tank shirt his arms need to be 18 inches or bigger, otherwise I'm not impressed and they need to be covered.
I told this guy the rule and he responded (looking down his nose at me) "Ummm, I didn't catch your name"... to which I responded, "that's because I didn't throw it at you."
He then had the audacity to tell me that his arms were ALMOST 18" and proceeded to actually flex one too close to my face.
I looked at him with my "that Selkow look" that I have been told I have and said..."Yea, right. They're not close to 18 and it was probably not going to be a good day for him to train with ME"
I made sure there was no scene to be made as my other participants didn't need to witness this, but NO!
The people that are in my gym are there because #1 they qualified to be there, and #2 part of that qualification is that I LIKE THEM!
This wasn't going to be one of those times. Seriously, ever look at someone and just think to yourself...what a dick head? This was one of those times and I'm not going to be unhappy during any time in my gym!
I told his mom that I don't think today is going to be a good day to train and that I'll see her next week.
She began to lobby for the stay to which I wiggled the index finger side to side and said, "Yea, NO! I'll see you next week"
Out they went.
Rule #1...Don't PISS the guy off that owns the gym that doesn't need your business.
Today's Training:
Good Mornings:
2 RM Beat last weeks numer
then cut the weight by 50% and do 5x10
Reverse Hyper: 5x10 w/ a pause
GHR: 5x10
Adduction Hack Squats: 4x20
Bike Commute: 25 minutes...It's HOT out.
Tier II
Leg Extension : 5x15
Squat: 5x15
Leg Curl: 5x15
12" Box Step Up: 4x20
Calf Raise: 5x15