Well it has been three days since my announcement at the gym that we are having a substantial, but much needed price increase. All I can say so far is that nothing has happened yet that I wasn't expecting. There were a couple old timers that still come in here and walk on our two remaining treadmills for fifteen minutes each day showing zero exuberance that, quite frankly, I can't believe were still coming here that read my announcement and respectfully bowed out. I'm expecting a certain amount of that kind of fall off, not that I want it, but it's not going to surprise me. I'm also hearing a lot of grumbling, hearsay, rumors and actual constructive feedback but of course it's all coming to me second hand for one reason or another. Again, I expect all that I have been through this a couple times before. I have also been in this business long enough to know not to burn bridges with people that leave because I know that people almost always come back. I never feel any ill will to people that leave.
There are a couple key things I picked up working closely with my father in his printing business for 23 years: One of the things he used to say is when it comes to selling your product you can have it good, fast and cheap but you can't have all three, you only get to pick TWO. Meaning you will never be able to satisfy every single person's needs. And the other thing my dad emphasized was he never wanted anyone to think he tried to rip them off. He ran an honest business and put his all into every client that he had. I'm the same way, all I want to do is put out the best product I possibly can and couldn't bear the thought that anyone thinks this gym is some kind of rip off. If someone feels that it is that just means you just ain't Iron Sport material buddy and there are exits at both the front and rear of the building, please move in an orderly fashion towards the exits and proceed to the nearest shitty chain gym and stand in line for the ONE squat rack. But I stand behind the gym and my prices and feel confident that it's still an amazing value.
At least I can feel comfortable knowing that I'm putting out an actual product for people to enjoy. Iron Sport Gym is something tangible, something you can actually see, feel, smell, touch and most likely something most of these guys and girls will remember fondly when they are all old and bent over from all the deadlifts. I'm not sitting at my computer making up stupid shit like “Hang-cleans and Hoagies” or “Cheesesteaks and Cheat-Curls” or running all over putting on seminars simply on the merit that 43,000 crossfitters follow me on Instagram. Or posting douchey inspirational sayings every single day with a picture of me doing a one arm hand stand in the background. There are also too many people trying to "brand themselves" when they have absolutely nothing to brand. I've been seeing so much horseshit going on in our “industry” completely based on internet fame or the hopes of future internet fame it makes my head spin.
There is NO PRODUCT THERE, yes I have exposed it. The emperor is naked bitches! I don't know what all the fakers do when their followers find out that this awesome coach who's wang they have been swinging off of on the internet has never coached anyone worth a shit, lifted in or even attended a lifting meet. How do they even feel comfortable putting on a seminar or writing programming for another lifter with only a couple years lifting under his or her belt and actual experience? But hey, that's their journey I guess. This is America and they are doing their thing. What I'm saying is no matter what, I will NOT feel bad about my price increase.