I am generally a fairly upbeat person. I enjoy other people's successes and find something good in every performance.
Yes, I will judge and critique but only to help a person improve.
I tend to smile more than I frown.
Since I ride my bike to and fro from the gym as I commute daily, I see many people outside of the sanctuary of my gym and make eye contact with many on my commute home. (NO ONE out on the way in)
When the other person looks at me, I smile and say, "Hello".
80% of the time, the other person will smile back and 65% of the time return the "hi".
But that 20%. I wonder about them.
Are they that unhappy?
If they are, they need to change something.
Quit their job?
Maybe move?
End a miserable relationship?
All I know is what Abe Lincoln said, "A man is as happy as he makes his mind up to be"
Stop making excuses, and start smiling back at someone being nice to you, and for fuck sake, say "HI" back when I pass ya.
You're in CONTROL!
Today's Training:
The rain has stopped for a moment, so...
Shrug: 5x12
DB Lateral Raise: 5x12
C/S Rear Delt Raise: 5x12
Hang Clean: 10x2
OHP: 3 positions 3 reps in each of hard Isometrics from the seated position