I wake up daily at 3:15 AM. No alarm clock. I haven't used one in a decade. I sit straight up like Jason from Friday the 13th. I don't delay the process of feet hit the floor go to the head, scrape my fangs, wash my face without letting the water warm up, shave, again, no need for the water to warm, head to the kitchen and turn the heat on to take the "edge" off the chill in the house for the rest of the family.
I think, "cool, I still have it after all the years". Then I hear April say, "why don't you take the car today? It's going to rain and you'll get drenched" (hasn't rain here in a while) "The temperature is only going to be in the 50's"
I then think...hmmmm, why not? I start back toward the bedroom with the idea of just putting my feet up for a few minutes and wait for my lovely bride to rise too.
Then I think...WHAT THE EF? It's freakin' RAIN! It's going to be in the 50's...WOW!
How soft have I gotten? That is a rhetorical question. Now I'm not saying be a hard ass and a D' bag to everyone, but for GOD'S sake, SACK UP!
There was a time when I would go from class to class in Ithaca NY in the winter with nothing more on than gym shorts, a sweatshirt with a down vest. Good to go!
I'd run or ride my bike when the thermometer wouldn't top 10 degrees. WHAT in the name of all things manly have I become?
So, I turned a 180 and got back to my normal routine.
Was it raining? I am typing this in my "resting squat" position with nothing on by a new dry pair of underwear and t shirt. Everything else in the garage drying out.
Did I melt? Well, the way I figure it, if I can safely take a shower without melting, then I certainly can endure a few raindrops.
I think starting now, I will revert back to the days of yore, when I demanded being uncomfortable to be comfortable. Doing what others won't, not because I want to prove anything to them, but to myself!!!
I'm going to go with instinct and urge. Holy crap, I feel my nadz growing as I write.
Todays training:
Cable Fly: 4x22x25
Incline Bench: 8x11x80
Bench: 8x11x80
all as a giant super set
Cable Lateral Raise: 3x30x20
Kettle Bell Alternating Shoulder Press: 5x10x36
Shrugs: 4x8x475
4 way neck: 1x20x5.0
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