Over the decades I have witnessed many changes in sports and the prep work that goes with it. I have also seen things that have been traditionally unchanged and probably will resist it for centuries to come.
One of the largest difference that has dwindled is the size of the balls (not inflate gate here)of the player.
One of the things I think contributes to the atrophy of the testicular fortitude of our upcoming players is in fact, due to the disabling parent that sees fit to discuss EVERY issue their child has with the coach.
Example....Young man forgets his water bottle at Lacrosse practice the other night. Parent calls the coach to find out where it went. I thought the Coaches job was to teach technique in the fundamentals of lacrosse and conditioning for the game, NOT police and guard against the disappearance of G2 water bottles.
When the telephone conversation came down to, "don't you think that it is the responsibility of the young man to keep track of his equipment?" and the parent response is, "it is the adult supervising the activities that needs to keep an eye on the whereabouts of MY SON'S water bottle!!!" that I thought there might be a need for ALL members of that particular family to not only work on hypertrophy of their gonads but also the maturation of the entire family unit.
The sad part for the parent is that I don't waiver when "mentoring" not only the young man, but if not one but BOTH parents as well. I know what I bring to the table, but unless the youth is incapable of feeding himself and or going to the bathroom by himself, then the parents need to BUTT out.
Fences exists around fields, as glass around hockey rinks as does walls around gymnasiums to not contain the players, but to let the parents know the limits of the "hospitality" of the coach.
Unless the Volunteer parent is going to donate as much time to the sport as the coaches and players, then the micromanagement of the team is uncalled for.
I remember forgetting my football helmet in the locker during an "AWAY" game. Knowing that there would be hell to pay if I told the head coach that I neglected to pack my helmet, I became steadfast in my decision to play without one until someone noticed. Needless to say, there was HELL TO PAY! I used someone else's and after the win (thank God) I began my night of endless forty yard sprints for being a bonehead.
Mrs. Selkow did not call the coach to tell them that little Harry has had enough. They did not mention to any staff or administration that the sprint work post game was unusually cruel and uncalled for. No...no...no...What they did was get some food and a picnic basket, gathered some of my friends and their family and had a party in the stands while I ran until my lungs bleed.
I am steadfast when I say, "we are doomed" if we don't make our youth more accountable. If the young player forgets his water, he'll be OK drinking from one of his teammates' A borrowed helmet is much better than the concussion that might occur by playing without one. You can borrow someone's towel for a post practice shower too.
I am living proof you won't catch the hibity jibities from using someone else's stuff for a PRACTICE OR a GAME.
But please don't disable them any further than the current status of their direction.
I surely wouldn't want to see a man begin to menstruate.
Shrugs: 4x12x405
4 way neck: 1x12x7.0
Shoulder Crank: 4x7x25
DB Lateral Raise: 4x7x30
Rear Delt Destroyer: 1x60-40-20x36-28-18
C/S Row: 4x8x75
Pull Up Hell: 2x25x5 hand positions...Add +250
Pull up totals=1319
Push Up totals=1127
Prowler: 720 yards
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