So the basic run down is that I have a plan. I do have some goals that run through 2016 as well as some that cover the next 5 years. To be honest, right now they seem so tiny yet so far away that I'm not quite ready to put them out there for everyone to read just yet. Mostly I'm embarrass that my goals are so low yet I'm still so freaking far away. My training numbers are an embarrassment yet I scream for joy with every little progress that I'm getting in the gym.
The main focus is just "Get Ready". Ready for what? Everything, but mostly to have all of my options open. I can't choose between Strongman, Powerlifting, and Weightlifting so I will continue to do all three. With this in mind:
Strongman: My body can't handle training full-time for Strongman and I can't handle ANYTHING heavy. My small muscle groups just aren't ready and I keep getting small injuries that turn to big injuries.
Powerlifting: This is a consistent in my training program and no matter what direction that I turn it must remain a staple. Nothing builds strength like Squat, Bench, Deadlift and the variations thereof. This is the base of my strength in all sports, manipulated correctly.
Weightlifting: Facing the truth, I can't do this sport full-time. Not only is it a great way for me to lose a lot of strength, but I don't have the mobility to do it with much respect. I have broken dozens of bones in my lifetime and torn a lot of muscles and my body just does not turn the way that it needs to in order to be a success. That said, I will continue to train for the sport because it is a challenge, I'm not good at it, the process of getting better at it will add years (maybe decades) to my life and training life, and I will remain at least on a Pan-Am Qualification level year-round. Pushing back to World Class level isn't in the cards RIGHT NOW. COULD BE if I were training more than 1 day per week.
So, how will my training continue to be outlined? Pretty simple if you ask me!
Being honest this is where my passion is! I want to step back onto the field of Strongman and I'm 2 years away from being able to compete as a Pro Masters. Yeah, I get tears just thinking about having the ability to step back out onto the field again even if it means being in a dog fight just to claim last place...but I'll be proud. That said, if I push NOW then I will never make it to age 40 and be competitive! I'll be to doggone beat up with too many injuries! Technique, building, and regaining back what I've lost over the last 3 years of Weightlifting is the goal!
Event 1: Yoke, Farmers, Tire
Pick one, cycle through technical weeks, speed weeks, deload weeks, and strength weeks
Event 2(ish): Stones
Cycle through technical, speed, deload, and strength weeks
Event 3: Overhead Press
Cycle through rep and deload weeks of Log Press, Axle Press, Dbell Press, etc...
Event 4: Deadlift
Play by ear as I have a lot to "build" here, nothing heavy till I'm healed!
This day feeds into my Strongman Events as well as my Weightlifting Training. The emphasis here will be on speed work with sub-maximal optional sets taken afterwards on both Box Squats and Bench Press. Lighter bar weight and heavier band tension with more sets/reps have always worked to make me better in Strongman without beating me up too much.
Box Squats: 2 Weeks of Squat Bar then 2 Weeks of SS Yoke Bar
Cycle through bands and chains, high and low volume, and heavier work as planned
Bench Press: Standard but with a Squat Bar or Axle to save my joints
Cycle through bands and chains, high and low volume, heavier optional work as planned.
This day is all about staying mobile and MOVEMENT! I don't need PRs here in 2016 but I do need to see my body continue to move better. I know that I am using 20-30 kg less now than I was 18 months ago BUT I'm also moving it technically much better! This is very important. I actually talked with an old friend that I believe is the best Weightlifting Coach in Cyprus (and a very good friend) about being my coach and helping me one-on-one. He declined the offer as he put our friendship over money, which means a lot in the end. He knows me and how difficult I can be to coach in the gym and nothing should come between our friendship. Pals.
Snatch: work up to something technically hard, a miss is acceptable but not a habit. Finish with some technical work in the 75-90% range
Clean and Jerk: continue to progress on the smoothness of the clean and the mobility of the jerk. Do not get hurt and use caution as this movement destroys my wrists, elbows, and shoulders.
Squat: Front and Back Squat by ear, no injuries allowed!
At the end of EVERY training session I need to spend 15-20 minutes working on the little muscles that need to be brought up. Lats, Triceps, Biceps, Rotators, Abs. All of the connecting muscles.
Every night I need to spend a few minutes foam rolling, flossing, tempering, doing TRX work, stretching, acupuncture, e-stim, etc...
And that is THE PLAN! I will be the Tortise even though I may still race the Hare every time I see him.